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Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump says ‘dumb’ Nancy Pelosi will be ‘overthrown’ as House speaker

President Trump predicted that “Nervous Nancy” will be “overthrown” after the House speaker appeared on a Fox News show and criticized his “weak” leadership during the coronavirus crisis.

“Nervous Nancy is an inherently ‘dumb’ person. She wasted all of her time on the Impeachment Hoax. She will be overthrown, either by inside or out, just like her last time as ‘Speaker,'” the president tweeted on Sunday. “Wallace &@FoxNews are on a bad path, watch!”

He linked to a tweet from the Republican Party that accused Pelosi of playing politics by holding uprefunding a loan program for small businesses, while noting her appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

“When the #PaycheckProtectionProgram ran out of funding, she decided playing politics was more important than saving #SmallBiz. It is time for the Democrats to be held accountable for putting millions in financial limbo,” the GOP tweet said.



  1. She is a witch, with flying monkeys😵

  2. She should be in Jail & then Prison !!!

  3. If you were to tie nancy's hands behind her back, she would not even be able to talk. She missed her calling. She should be a signer for the deaf.

  4. Call'em like you see them. She throws jabs, he jabs back and I'm sure she will then yell BULLY.

    What a waste. She and Maxine both.

  5. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  6. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  7. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  8. What Trump says usually happens, and I bet this will too


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