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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Proof Democrats Are Crazy, Insane and a Danger to Us All

If you weren't convinced that Democrats are crazy, insane and a danger to us all, I now have clear and irrefutable proof.

It's hydroxychloroquine.

That's the anti-malaria drug that has become a weapon in our arsenal to defeat coronavirus. The stories of its remarkable success in the battle versus this terrible, deadly pandemic are everywhere. They are no longer "anecdotal." This Trump-touted drug appears to be a miracle drug.

I'll get to all those stories in a moment. But first let me mention the latest Rasmussen poll, which shows that only 18 percent of Democrats would take hydroxychloroquine if they were sick with coronavirus.

Folks, that's just nuts. Democrats are suicidal. They not only don't value human life; they don't even value their own lives.

And I'm not just talking about run-of-the-mill crazy liberal voters or activists. Democratic leaders are just as reckless, dangerous, ignorant and delusional. Michigan's Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, initially banned the drug for use against coronavirus. My own Nevada governor, Democrat Steve Sisolak, banned any non-hospital or emergency room doctors from prescribing it -- even though the doctors that use it regularly consider it safe and report it works best when used in the early stages of coronavirus, before a victim lands in the ER or ICU.



  1. That's y there has to be a civil war on Dems.

    1. Martial Law. Those 2 words excite a lot of people on here.

  2. They don't have to take it, let them die, but do not deny it to those who want to get better and live.

  3. Perhaps the liberal left is perpetrating the latest "hoax" on America. Russian collusion didn't work, the attack on the infamous "perfect" phone call aka quid pro quo didn't work, impeachment didn't work, so grasping at straws deride and ridicule anything Trump. I think it is backfiring with the demonstrations however which is perhaps the harbinger of a civil uprising.

  4. 6:07

    You believe what the government tells you and you're a fool.

    1. Then who do you believe. Politicians who hate Trump - No. Media who hate Trump - No You have to decide for yourself what and who to believe. Fool

  5. Where have you been for the last 3 1/2 years !!! It's ALL on tv how the
    Enemy Dems are !!! Pelosi Schumer Schiff Nadler & more !! Dugh

  6. I'll bet that the democratic Trump haters jumped for joy with the stimulus checks that they got and if they get the virus, they will also be begging for this drug! But they will still hate Trump!

  7. No civil war...a repeat of history and the cost would be too great.

    Elimination of cable news would be a start. ALL of them.

    Back to local and national news.

    Then Congressional Term Limits. Again eliminates lifers - which those back in the late 1700's never intended to happen.

    Doctors are medical practitoners. Those who PRACTICE in medicine. So a drug could work miracles on some, yet not with many. What a doctor did 15 years ago may still work today...or not.

    All they do is practice what they know and hope.

  8. As I have shared on this blog many times, a political party (Democratic) that would go to war to keep people in slavery and split a Union is all you need to know about its philosophy and political agenda, It was even responsible for founding the KKK to murder blacks and some whites to keep them in line after the Civil War. Anyone that has any knowledge of the Democratic Party’s history and its current behavior should not be supportive of it period!

  9. So if we have just local news we will get the truth? Stupid! Who gave you that idea? Look at our local media.... Now! They only report what's good for their agenda. That's why you are HERE!

  10. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  11. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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