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Saturday, April 25, 2020

True the Vote Sues Nevada to Protect Voters’ Rights

Asks court to stop Nevada secretary of state from imposing universal mail-in voting by administrative fiat

True the Vote has filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada on behalf of three registered Nevada voters asking for declaratory and injunctive relief to halt the secretary of state’s imposition of an “all-mail election” (Stanley William Paher, et al. v. Barbara Cegavske, in her capacity as Nevada Secretary of State and Deanna Spikula, in her official capacity as Registrar of Voters for Washoe County (No. 3:20-cv-00243)). The lawsuit argues the secretary of state’s mail-in-balloting plan violates both the Nevada and United States Constitutions and that imposing an “all-mail election” would lead to widespread election fraud.

On March 24, 2020, supposedly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Republican Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske bent to demands by Democrats and state administrators and announced a plan essentially to abolish in-person voting and conduct, instead, an “all-mail election” for the June 9, 2020 primary election. According to the plan, all active registered voters in Nevada automatically will be mailed a primary-election ballot for mail-in voting. Voters are not required to take any action or steps, such as submitting a mail-in-ballot request application, in order to receive a ballot in the mail.

True the Vote claims specifically that the secretary of state’s plan to impose universal mail-in voting (“all-mail” voting) violates citizens’ right to vote because it:

(Read more here)


  1. Why are they trying to stop this? How else are u supposed to vote? It's a pandemic duh! It is a violation of voting rights not to vote by mail because going to the polls is unsafe. When will these crazy protesters get it.

  2. Thank you! At least someone has some sense. That Secretary of State is a F'n RINO just like Fat Larry Hogan is.

  3. Joe, PAC 14 did a stupid video on promoting the NFF for Jake Day. Hardly any visitors by the way. In it, you can see Jake Day puppets Mary Beth Carozza and of course Jake Day's buttplug Carl Anderton.

    At 1:35 Mary Beth Carozza is all excited promoting this stupid festival.

    At 3:27 you can see Carl Anderton and his stupid, childish antics directly behind Mary Beth Carozza.

    Here is the link. Maybe you want to use it for future reference.

  4. ANYBODY can fill in and mail back these ballots! The stupidity is boundless with these people!!

  5. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the country must move toward vote by mail, setting up a fight with Trump. "AFTER ALL....WE ALREADY HAVE THE SIGNATURES FORGED AND THE ENVELOPES STUFFED"....." THIS TIME YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE ELECTIONS ARE OVER BEFORE YOU CAN KNOW WHO YOU VOTED FOR." THEN WE HAVE TO COUNT THE DEAD PEOPLE, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, BALLOTS POLL WORKERS WERE PAID TO FILL OUT AND ALL COMPLIMENTS OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY TO "STEAL" AS MANY VOTES AS WE CAN. They have already determined there are more voters than there are citizens in the U.S. If you can put on a mask to go to a drugstore or grocery store you can put on a mask to vote. That is why the Democrats want to give the USPS so much money. That way they can control those mail in votes.


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