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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cuomo’s Decision to Hire McKinsey Raises Concerns over Firm’s Chinese Communist Ties

McKinsey & Company, a corporate consulting service with a long history of working closely with the communist regime in China, is advising the New York state government response to the coronavirus crisis, per public reports and confirmation from the governor’s office.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has regularly name-checked the corporate consulting company at his press conferences detailing his state’s handling of the pandemic.

New York, including Cuomo himself, is actually using McKinsey data to compile modeling on the spread—infection rate—as well as the mortality rate of the virus in the state. Slides from Cuomo’s press conferences discussing the threat of coronavirus in New York actually cite McKinsey as the source of the modeling data the state government is using.

At this stage, it is unclear exactly what McKinsey is doing for New York state. Cuomo’s office has not returned multiple requests for comment.


[Cuomo: Coronavirus Came to NY from Europe, Not China]


  1. Cuomo proves that he has ties to the communists!

  2. No government should deal with any business that has ties with China, Russia or any communist country.


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