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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

'This is a tough number to have to report': DC Mayor Muriel Bowser says one in seven Washington residents could be infected with COVID-19 as more than 700 test positive with the virus in the city

Washington DC's mayor said during a Friday press conference that bleak projections show that one in seven of the city's residents could be infected with the coronavirus.

Democrat Muriel Bowser said that roughly 93,000 people could contract COVID-19 in the city, according to model projection city officials are relying on.

Included in the projection are people who have tested positive for the virus but have since recovered, the Washington Post reports.



  1. I hope that includes Politicians .

  2. maybe this will solve our federal legislative term limit issue without the need for a constitutional amendment?

  3. Idiot...the numbers will never get that high...the new models are all showing that.

  4. Such a shame it isn't one in seven Democrats in DC have it. Politicians suck!

  5. Since the important people (our masters) took the antidote, this is probably a great place to release the bioweapon. Nobody will suspect it in brain-dead USA.


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