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Thursday, April 09, 2020

The Feds Fell Short on PPE, So Everyday Americans Stepped Up

States are desperate for medical supplies, governors are pleading with the federal government to secure dwindling lifesaving equipment, and the number of novel coronavirus cases continues to rise nationally.

But emerging from this crisis has been a widespread effort by small businesses, university labs and everyday Americans to create personal protective equipment for vulnerable health care professionals who are keeping patients alive and fighting the contagion.

In Illinois, many manufacturers are retooling to make essential medical supplies for local hospitals: N95 masks, hand sanitizer and secure packaging for sending COVID-19 testing samples.

With the encouragement of Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and the Illinois Biotechnology Association are leading an effort to streamline manufacturing and vet companies for health care providers. Hundreds of companies have reached out, said Mark Denzler, the manufacturing group’s president and CEO.

“It’s a wartime-like effort,” he said.



  1. It's almost like we don't need a government.

  2. All I hear is local and state governments complaining about how they don't have the proper amount of ppe. Why weren't they prepared for an event like covid-19? Our local and state governments should be prepared for events of this magnitude. Instead they piss our tax dollars away on SJW feelgood B******T. How many masks and other PPE could the state of Maryland have bought if we didn't have to spend tons of money on crap? Same goes for hospitals. As much as they charge for a visit onw would think that they would be somewhat prepared for this. I guess not. The new American Way is sit around and complain that other people aren't doing things for you.


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