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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Border Checkpoints Discourage Travelers Between States

Americans have long held the open road as integral to their freedom. But with the coronavirus pandemic, the once unthinkable has begun to happen: States have set up checkpoints to discourage other states’ residents from crossing their borders.

Texas, Delaware, Florida and Rhode Island are stopping drivers with out-of-state license plates and ordering them to quarantine for two weeks, if they intend to stay in the state. Those entering the state for “essential” business reasons, such as commercial traffic, appear to be exempt.

Constitutionally, states cannot prohibit residents of another state from entering, but they can require quarantines or statements of purpose.



  1. States can also charge a fee for entering their state as long as that fee is imposed equally among all who enter. Any state can erect a toll booth on any road the crosses state lines and require a fee or toll to enter that state. A fact.

  2. Hogan is not including MD so Hogan is not doing everything possible to protect Marylanders as he states. Just look at the out of State tags from northern States. These States have higher virus rates and the more that comes into MD the higher MD numbers go. Hogan caught in another lie.

  3. Just got back from Del on a cigarette run and saw no cops anywhere.


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