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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

'That's just not true': Republican governor of Maryland slams Trump's denial that there is a shortage of coronavirus tests and calls the president's claim 'aspirational'

The governor of Maryland has slammed President Donald Trump's denial that there is any shortage of coronavirus test kits.

In a leaked recording of a conference call with several governors, Trump claimed that he hasn't had a complaint about testing shortages in 'weeks'.

Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican who chairs the National Governors Association, responded to Trump's remarks in an interview with NPR on Tuesday, saying: 'Yeah, that's just not true.'

'I know that they've taken some steps to create new tests, but they're not actually produced and distributed out to the states. So it's an aspirational thing,' Hogan continued.



  1. F*** Hogan! RINO P.O.S.!

  2. There seems to be a large difference between what the Governor's say and what the President says. Why? And if HCQ works, why are they expecting so many dead? Can't we get enough meds?

    1. I'll believe President Trump over RINO/POS hogan 1000 of 1000 times

  3. Governors who aren’t supportive of the president is where the gaps are. Look at ny...supplies were Stolen and the media jumped all over Trump for saying it. Cuomo confirms it the next day and no one says anything.

  4. hogan you been there for how many years? you agree with the pos democrats to take my money in the form of taxes and spend it on bullshit but none of this is of your making? is that the way I'm supposed to read this? You are a waste bag of hot shit!
    now open up the boat ramps and close the bridges!

  5. Hogan is correct. To my understanding PRMC and AGH do not have Coronavirus Test. Another reason why are stats are so low on the Eastern Shore.

    1. PRMC and AGH do have rest, but not for people just being curious. If you show symptoms of the virus such as a high fever and dry cough, you will be tested.

    2. 7:44 And there you go..,”To my understanding”. But you really don’t know do you? You heard from someone who heard from someone and so on and so onπŸ™„ When will people stop spreading misinformation

  6. You can count on all Democrat Governor's, Mayors, to stall any return to a good economy. Why, so the longer everything stays closed the worse the economy. Exactly what they want because the want Trump to lose in 2020. Or, since they only have Biden - who is a total screw up - they want to stall his appearances knowing full well he is going to lose - just to save face. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Yes I believe that to be the truth 756

  7. 7:56 weird how our most prosperous time as a nation was under Clinton, a democrat, and our highest national debt was 3 years into Trumps first term, a republican.

    1. The most prosperous time in our history has been the 3 years of Trump's presidency. We will bounce back from this pandemic and stronger than ever. People are beginning to see that "Made In U.S.A." (as Trump has been stressing) really does matter. Exporting our jobs to communist countries is not beneficial to us. China is not our friend, they smile in our face and stab us in the back. We will get through these hard times with Trump's leadership. MAGA

  8. 756 you show that it is truly you guys who have the TDS. Everything closed based on the urgings straight from Trump's team. And they just extended those policies. So how does this boil down to some Dem hoax/conspiracy now?

  9. Our Republican Governor is not a republican at all just doesn't want to look bad changing his party choice so he makes his slams anyway he can, and Hogan needs to remember the only reason he became a Governor in the first place is because Marylander's felt sorry for him thinking he had a fatal diagnosis of cancer. They gave him a chance and he has tread on our beliefs and defamed our President not very Christian, I guess he never learned to give everyone a chance and respect the people's choice made in 2016. You are the worst Governor the state of Maryland has ever had, just like Jake Day our Mayor you are both posers you try to talk the talk but neither of you have ever walked the walk. Hogan is a disgrace and his dribble of attention every day is diarrhea of the mouth.

    1. Great analysis 9:55

    2. So you think O'Malley and Glendening were good forbthe Eastern Shore? You're delusional if you do!

  10. Trump gave each governor the wheel house to do whats best for their state. Yes he made recommendations of course, did hogan follow Trumps recommendations...of course he did, its the first thing he's done right since being governor. Having medical supplies on hand for any emergency was clearly not a concern with hogan, his only concern has been to spend like a drunken sailor esp in his last year. Hogan's too busy being on video spouting what all he's done... instead of seeking out supplies.

  11. It is not clear to me where Hogan is coming from. It is my understanding that testing kits, testing ability and capability comes in many different “colors”.,i.e.., sample taken at medical facility, and forwarded to a lab to await results, provided by patient in controlled container, or actually tested on the spot. The President said testing availability is increasing and being made available based on NEED in areas where large number of people are demonstrating virus symptoms.
    As matter of fact, a family member of mine who was exposed to an individual subsequently diagnosed with the virus, thus causing my family member having to self-quarantine after.being tested at AGH until the results were provided. Other than waiting a few days, the results were provided, and thank God they were negative.
    It seems that Hogan may not be fully aware of what is going on around the state of Maryland when it comes to the availability of testing types and sources around our State. Maybe he should spend more time doing some reconnaissance instead of grandstanding on the media and calling Trump a liar during this crisis.

    1. But one commenter on a previous subject stated PRMC and "AGH" are not testing.

  12. 8:45 Am: Clinton didn't have to replenish a depleted military and Trump inherited a depleted "stockpile" of essential medical supplies. Say what you will but frankly I don't think you are seeing the whole picture objectively. Emotional knee jerk reaction is quite common among never Trumpers.

  13. I have sit back and read all the nasty MSM news channels down our President for everything he does or says especially about this Coronavirus. Then the Democrats and their trolls making nasty comments too. But the only thing I have not heard is any of these Geniuses give any advice on HOW TO STOP THE VIRUS. IF YOU ALL ARE SO SMART WHY HAVE YOU NOT DONE ANYTHING TO HELP OUR COUNTRY INSTEAD OF BITCH AND BELLYACHE ABOUT HOW OUR PRESIDENT IS NOT DOING IT TO YOUR LIKING???? OBVIOUSLY YOU ALL KNOW HOW TO STOP IT BECAUSE YOU BITCH NON STOP EVERYDAY...……..

  14. PRMC won't test unless it is postmortem. If you aren't dead or close to it forget getting tested. It is the Liability of living on the shore. Besides it is all about money to PRMC. Thats why they are saying looks like shore being spared. If you aren't testing you can't see the number of cases go up.

  15. Let's all hope Hogan gets it so someone sane can run the State!


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