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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Real numbers of coronavirus

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Maryland cases
Updated Apr 1 at 5:02 AM local


  1. Out of the 1660 confirmed, the chart has "53 recovered".
    Does this mean that all the rest of the confirmed cases are still sick?
    These charts are a little confusing sometimes.

  2. Yes (except for the 18 dead).

  3. Numbers are way higher. They are reporting lies.

  4. Good Lord 5:38!
    Hopefully you're not the one leading the home schooling effort!

  5. There was a commercial on the radio for MD and DE, if you think you have covid do not go to the hospital but go to your primary care Dr. You must have a referral to go to the hospital. I do understand the hospital not wanting people showing up when they should stay home as they are not sick with a virus, but not sick enough. They are trying to contain it the best they can. But shouldn't there be satellite spot for people who think they could have it? Maybe it would also cut down on someone showing up to a 'hot spot of covid' with just a flu bug. It seems like we are just spreading it all around the town to all the Dr's offices. These offices are in trouble now. Cancelling non essential appointments and lay offs looming. (They have already starting lay offs in town in the medical field, just wait and see) There has to be a better way to handle this.

    1. My PCP office said last week they have had 11 confirmed cases so the numbers being provided are not accurate.

      Plus if you get tested in Maryland but live in Delaware or Virginia it counts for the other states totals and not Maryland even tho the test was done in Maryland.

  6. This data is too good to be true! It surely must be an April Fool’s joke.

  7. 8:11 AM, what is your source of information to prove/disprove the chart? What possible reason would anyone have to lie; other than China?

  8. They aren’t deliberately lying. Lack of tests means the only thing we can be sure of is that a lot mire people have it than these statistics say.

  9. April 1, 2020 at 9:22 AM:

    It IS NOT recommended that you go to the doctor if you think you have coroavirus, or its symptoms. You have completely misunderstood the instructions. You are to CONTACT your primary care doctor and follow their instructions. You are not supposed to just show up at your doctor's office with symptoms. CONTACTING your medical care provider is not "GOING" to your medical care provider. It is not only irresponsible, but is in total disregard for what we are being instructed to do. Your medical care provider will advise you over the phone or a patient portal what steps to follow. Please stay home if you have symptoms, contact your doctor by phone or patient portal, and go to the hospital only after being referred by your doctor to go there based on the symptoms your are experiencing. It is getting too late for people that still haven't gotten the message yet (and the ones they come in contact with).

    1. Oh my! You misunderstood what I was saying. I hope no one who read what I posted and would think to just show up at their Dr. without calling 1st. I never said you would show up without calling. The radio message also never said to show up without calling. Who does that? I didn't even know that is a thing. But, there are all kinds of people out here so maybe it has happened. It was said to call your Dr. and they "see you" and then refer you if needed. And I know this is happening because I have inside information that I can not share at this time. I'm sure it will come out at some point. Talk to the nurses at the Dr. offices. It's amazing what they are going through. And very, very scary times. And no, I do not believe any of them signed up for this. Who would have known something of this magnitude was coming, and they would not have the proper protection. I can understand maybe an ER nurse assuming more risk. Although again, not the risk without proper protection. But a family practice nurse did not sign up for this.

  10. Reply to 8:23:

    True. I should not be running classes at home!
    BUT.... I guess my question is whether the "1660" number goes down as people recover, or do they just keep adding-on to that number, not taking into consideration those that are no longer on the list.

    Yes, I feel a bit stupid about this. Don't remind me!
    Stay well.


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