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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tara Reade’s Joe Biden assault claim gives Juanita Broaddrick déjà vu: 'I believe her'

Juanita Broaddrick is having déjà vu.

Broaddrick, who has long said Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, sees remarkable similarities with Tara Reade’s claims against Joe Biden. Both women accused powerful Democrats of sexual misconduct only to see their claims largely ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media -- so Broaddrick reached out to Reade a few weeks ago, she said.

“I just told her, any time she needed anything or wanted to talk, to call me and she almost immediately called me,” Broaddrick told Fox News. “I believe her. I spoke with her on the phone, we spoke at length… this is a very, very believable woman.”

Broaddrick said she plans to keep in touch with Reade and they “text every few days,” but seeing her story on television brings back “too many bad memories” about her own history.



  1. The democrats protect their own and control the media.

  2. Dr. Ford said that Tera is lying.


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