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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Proposed: $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks And Canceled Rent And Mortgage Payments For 1 Year

The CARES Act provided a lifeline for taxpayers and small businesses. But as a one-time cash payment, many fear that it didn’t do enough to support taxpayers in one of our country’s greatest times of need. Especially in light of the fact that many people still have not received their stimulus checks.

To address this, members of Congress have made two separate proposals, one that would provide Americans over the age of 16 with a $2,000 monthly check for up to 12 months, and one that would cancel rent and mortgage payments through the duration of the coronavirus emergency.

Let’s take a deeper look:

Proposal #1: $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Check

Representatives Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Tim Ryan (D-OH) introduced the Emergency Money for the People Act. This Act, if passed, would provide additional cash payments to Americans who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Emergency Money for the People Act would provide a $2,000 monthly payment to every qualifying American over the age of 16 for up to 12 months.



  1. "..members of Congress have made two separate proposals.."

    These 'members' are the radical democrats.

    This proposal is unworkable because of the cost, as they surely know.

    A stunt.

  2. If the government keeps everyone unemployed and gives them all government handouts, where is all that government money going to come from? If nobody is paying taxes, then what? Does anyone see a problem with this? Does 1000 percent inflation from the rapid devaluation of the dollar due to the massive printing of money with nothing to back it up seem dangerous? With programs like this, we will never recover financially. And many on a long term program of government assistance will NEVER return to the work force, and back to being a taxpayer. We have all seen that with welfare.

  3. I like Proposal #2 rather than #1 since it allows me to replan where my regular money goes instead of getting additional money each month.

    Although I dislike both since its the proverbial can getting kicked down the road and the taxes implication for later on. Ouch.

    And some states think its ok to reopen now. Double OUCH!

    1. I agree with Proposal 2. That Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is a pretty smart cookie for drafting Proposal 2.

  4. Full blown Communism
    Debasing the currency to maintain power over the people.

  5. Enacting this proposal would kill the economy.

  6. What’s these idiots just don’t see is who’s gonna pay the bill later. SMH

    1. Oh, they know. It's the low man on the totem pole that will. The rich have increased their wealth from this already.

  7. Wow - socialism at it's finest. What do you do when it runs out?

    1. You deflate the dollar and print more.

  8. Now that is how you swing an election to your party! If this passes millions of renters and millions of people will award that political party with their votes in the fall. This is truly buying an election.

  9. Yea, DREAM ON !!! Ain't Gonna - Happen !!! You are in La La Land !!!

  10. Don't Hold your Breath !!!

  11. That will be the end of the United States and welcome to the NEW Republic of China on this side of the country. We cannot afford this as the Dems well know. How much do we already owe China. No wonder they are sending Chinese drones around to spy on us. China is picking out the spots where they will be living/working in their new republic.

  12. Would that be NICE ?? I would say we could keep that forever !!!

    America Would be GREAT again !!!! LOL LOL ( Ain't happening )

  13. These idiots don't care who pays the bill later down the road because they will be DEAD.


    1. Term limits should more definitely be implemented.

  14. Anyone else notice the number of large screen tv’s being carted out of Walmart this weekend? Guess we know where that stimulus check went. Can you imagine if people start getting 2,000/month?? We’ll be seeing lots of high dollar vehicles on the road.

    1. Rent not paid, but a 85" tv to watch.

  15. Pay everybody or just those of us that had jobs before the Chinese Flu hit America?

  16. I like the New System > Stay Home & make the Govt Pay you !!!

    Just make them eliminate the Taxes too , then We good to go !!! 2020

  17. And sure Enough Here It Comes The Working Middle Class Will Continue To Get The ROYAL SCREWING to Pay For It ALL !

  18. Won't happen if Pelosi can help it !!! NOT happening

  19. Meeeeeeeeee, Meeeeeeeeeeeee, Meeeeeeeeeeeee. Where's mine? It's my money and I WANT IT NOW!!!!

  20. Northwest Woodsman: Here again, these clowns do not foresee the unintended consequences of their proposals. It must be a genetic deficiency that afflicts Pedomarxist democrat liberals.

  21. Now we living like those in Europe !!! Govt pays you , instead of like in
    America > You Pay Govt !!!!

  22. Won't pass constitutional muster. It is an illegal "taking" of citizen's property without compensation.

  23. Anyone who supports this non sense is a traitor to our founding document and current idealogy of what America is supposed to be! A safe space to spread your wings and prosper & No one owes you anything!!..this proposal is not new news..its been going on before the tower of babal..so still same mentality that got us here.its not GODS way, the american way!! its anti freedom GOD & country. Less government not more is always the answer. Hidden danger of the rainbow coailition wants this, so its a Poisonous tree. Regardless of the intention. Which we know is really only full of lies deception and false hopes of the luciferian idealogy..not GODS path.

  24. It's called fractional reserve banking. Research it and learn what it is before you state what is or isn't possible. The UBI is still capitalism, it's just capitalism not starting from zero.

  25. Get it PASSED !!! NOT just promises & Bullshhhht !!!!


  26. When HELL freezes over , you just MAY see some $$$$ !!! Not Likely !!!

  27. I don't see any damn 'STIMULUS' over a frigg'in Month !! WAITING !!!

  28. The Biden Plan , no doubt !!!

  29. Tell it to Pelosi !!! She ain't approving Shhhht !!!!

  30. Just send Pelosi the Bills !!! She can make our mortgage pymnts !!!!!

  31. Muslims Promise Virgins & Heaven for Killing people !! So much for False
    Promises !!! Democrats have already showed they try to Block our $$$ !!!


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