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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Just In Case You REALLY Need It...


  1. I'd be happy if Maryland simply would deliver on their responsibility to uphold the terms of UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. Our employers paid for that insurance while the homeless haven't done $hit for the handout that the State offers as a free benefit. It's after midnight and I am STILL attempting for file my WEBCERT for last week!

  2. When ego comes crashing down! I wonder how many are going to use those programs now that they have been put into a situation they had no control over after spending day after day attacking those born into poverty?

  3. "Regardless of income" ...gee, don't see any potential abuse of the system here!

  4. This flyer is misleading. There are income limits.

  5. Don't Hold Your Breath !!! For ANY assistance !!! in MD

  6. This flyer is misleading. Please go to this site to see correct information.


    As someone who works in this field, we are trying hard to put out correct information and and dispel incorrect informaion.


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