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Thursday, April 09, 2020

'Progress': Administration claims pandemic inflection point

The Trump administration claimed Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic that has been spreading like wildfire is showing signs of slowing down.

“There does appear to be evidence of leveling, evidence of progress,” Vice President Mike Pence said at a White House press briefing.

New cases have slowed from 33,000 a day to 29,000 each day, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Some 390,000 people have been infected in the United States as of Tuesday night, and 12,700 have died.

Pence credited social distancing with slowing the spread, calling the latest tallies “glimmers of hope.”



  1. If they ever start testing here in Wicomico the numbers would probably be astounding. You can’t get positives if you don’t test. The only number you can believe is the deaths. Face it we are a forgotten community with leaders who don’t lead.

  2. You call them "leaders"????


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