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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Mark Levin blasts CNN's Wolf Blitzer: 'We know the POTUS isn't a real doctor, just like we know you're not a REAL journalist'

'You know, you're a real A-hole, Wolf'

On Tuesday's "LevinTV," host Mark Levin blasted CNN's Wolf Blitzer for saying President Donald Trump should not "continue to promote" hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus because he isn't a "real doctor."

"You know, you're a real A-hole, Wolf. We know the president of the United States isn't a 'real doctor', just like we know you're not a realjournalist," Mark said. "But there are real doctors who are recommending this [hydroxychloroquine]. It really is outrageous. He [Blitzer] has become very vicious. I would ask him and all of CNN and MSNBC and all the rest of them: If you get this coronavirus, will you now commit to us that you will not take this drug?"

Watch the video below to hear more from "the Great One" — Mark Levin:



  1. Why do you people continue to jold Levin, Rush, Hannity or any other tv talking heads as some kind of legitimate source of information or informes commentary? And b4 youbstsrt with the BS same goes for the left wing talking heads.

    1. I have no idea what you were trying to say because of all the gramical errors...

  2. Love Mark. Watch him all the time.

  3. 12:53 It is because those your mentioned are highly intelligent, educated, in-the-know people , which you obviously are not. That's why we listen to them, and pay no mind to anything you say.

  4. 321 I almost spit out my coffee laughing at that. Poor sheeple. Now put your toys away billy and come eat your lunch. We've got your little milk carton all ready.

  5. So drink it before you spill it all over your velvet nickers.


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