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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Perdue, China in joint venture Eastern Shore-type processing complex to be near Shanghai; Poultry

The company announced yesterday that it has entered into a joint venture with a Chinese company to establish a fully bTC integrated poultry processing complex near Shanghai similar to its operations on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

The complex, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year, will have a hatchery and a chicken processing plant. The chickens will be raised by contract growers, as in the United States.

"We will be bringing U.S. poultry processing techniques to China," said Dick Auletta, a spokesman for Perdue.

The arrangement with Dah Chong Hong, a large trading company that is also involved with marketing such diversified items as automobiles and cosmetics, will be Perdue's first production operation overseas.


Publishers Notes: Idiots & Chicken Sh!ts. I will never buy any Perdue products both at home and in my restaurant. I hope other local AMERICAN restaurants will join me.


  1. What great timing - IDIOTS!

  2. I would imagine that a contract for this venture was in the works for a long time before the virus and uncovering of all china's back room dealings to destroy the US economy. They may not be able to get out of contract. Not taking sides and do not work for Perdue, just a thought.

  3. They will now go down the tubes - just like SmithField!

  4. Clearly profit over Patriotism. There dosent need to be a written declaration that china is now the enemy of the US and the world {which is why they hurry to sign on}. Perdue should be charged with treason and stripped of everything.

  5. This will be the beginning of the end of the chicken industry on the eastern Shore . China has a billion people , many who will work for $1.00 per day. Perdue is selling them the rope to hang themselves with. i cant believe Purdue is this stupid to make a move like this especially in this environment !

  6. This is capitalism at it's finest. What are you afraid of? China has 1.4 billion people. That's a market no company should ignore. Also, for your information this deal could not happen without the support and approval of the Trump Administration.

  7. Agree with Publisher’s note!

  8. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. You would think these US companies would learn that the Chinese just want our technology so they can eventually kick the US out and take over the world. Why do executives at these companies not see that?
    China don't care. Their whole country has been set up by American ingenuity. They've been stealing our tech for years and we dumb Americans just happily keep giving our intellectual property to them.

    It's a shame and dangerous.

    Luckily for me, I'll be dead before the real Armageddon comes.

  10. The government should kill this - for national security reasons - just like they should have killed the SmithField one... We are now seeing how that one is helping us!

  11. Purdue is going to branch out and process Bats, Snakes, Rats, and other Vermin.

    1. 9:47 - You're dumber than dumb

  12. Well damn, just damn a Perdue and all their chickens and plants.


  13. As 9:07 said, I'm sure this was in process for quite a while. They've been trying to penetrate the Chinese market for a long time, and this was the way they did that.


    I can see a slippery slope, where frozen chicken from China starts showing up here.

    I'd say at the very least, put this on hold -- tell them 'wait and see how you act from here on out.'

    Or take a more patriotic stance in light of the coronavirus that they released on the world and say 'So Sorry.. the deal's off.'

    1. 100% tariff on ALL goods from china !!!!

  14. Yeah, get out now! But then again the run off in the bay will decrease, the fish and crabs will get better. So chicken farmers can buy a boat and start working on the water. I don't see a problem.

  15. No don't every buy perdue chicken anyway. It's pure garbage and always has been. Also it's not inexpensive when you look at the hidden costs. Those poor people working there is modern day slavery. So many in order to survive rely on entitlements which come out of tax payers pockets. It's a bad company and they should be ashamed of themselves but aren't because bin laden had more morals then this company has.

  16. Don't know that Trump has anything to do with holding back Purdue. Lots of business has been going on between Biden, Nancy, John K, and others, for a long time. Purdue found out to fend off attacks from non supporters, you just throw money their way, and any protest go away.

    Did I mention wind farms in OC, watch the $$, not the wind.

  17. Please have Chicken crap mayor sent to over there .I don’t think that the commies will look favorable to his paintings of gay pride 🏳️‍🌈 on their streets . Although they will allow spousal abuse.

  18. They can have chickens in China and our grocery stories are bare. What hypocrites. Another nothing but the dollar.

  19. Time to burn out those shore chicken houses and collect the insurance. This industry is toast!

  20. Here's the shocker. Perdue gets money from the DPI which is tax money in many different arenas
    and I know this because when I worked there this aspect of the operation was my job. I reconciled and assigned values to any DPI grants proposed expenditures. You'd be surprised how much money these poultry companies rake in. Yes, tax bucks, converted to Jimmy bucks.

    Naturally the Perdue Dynasty wants you to think they're the White Knights and this is crapolla
    but I know where the bodies are buried. Don't buy Perdue, its a political contribution to the mentally unfortunate such as Hogan and Biden.

  21. The US will never have to import chicken. Actually, the US is the biggest exporter of chicken. And China is a big customer.


  22. Let me run against the stream of comments. Let's assume Perdue tries to make business moves that benefit the short and long term benefit of Perdue. Our domestic market is served by a variety of large and smaller chicken firms.

    If everyone in China has chicken for all 3 meals each day it doesn't hurt our domestic market in any fashion, unless we were previously supplying Chinese market in part or full. Getting fresh chicken from here to there would be logistical challenge. Same story from there to here. Frozen products would be similar, with added problem of ensuring temps.

    But selling know-how and consulting services has lot of potential ROI without capital costs. Win-win.

    Think back a few years when Russia put the brakes on imports of chicken feet (a yummy to them) and the consternation that caused locally. So I don't see the problem here.

    Full disclosure: only connection to any part of poultry biz is as occasional retail customer.


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