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Monday, April 27, 2020

Pencil Neck Snaps: 50k Americans Dead Because Trump Not Impeached!

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed Friday evening that 50,000 Americans died because the Senate failed to remove President Donald Trump from office during the impeachment trial in February.

"There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead, in significant part because of his incompetence, because of his inability to think beyond himself and put the country first. I don’t think we would have ever anticipated that his brand of narcissism and his brand of incompetence would be so fatal to the American people."

Schiff, who said nothing about coronavirus in its early days, is now pushing for legislation to create a “9/11 commission” for evaluating the president’s response to the pandemic.



  1. Open borders and sanctuary cities allowed it in

  2. And how many American children are killed every year by the abortions you support? Sit down and STFU.

  3. A complete idiot and a real A-hole. This guy has got to go and maybe the COVID-19 will get him.

  4. Maybe Pencil Neck will catch it, give it to pelosi, and both croak, then the country could on.

  5. Imagine that - the Chairman for the House "Intelligence" Committee is an IDIOT!

    Well - 4 days until TGIF!

  6. Of course.

    THAT is what we need now -- another "investigation".

    HE is talking about someone else not putting the interests of our country first????

    He should have been struck by lightning.

    Keep cheering.

  7. Is he suggesting the virus event would not have been necessary if Trump had left office? If so that is bizarre. In 1963 the elites did not murder 50,000 Americans to accomplish their goals. Instead, they murdered only 1 person. Why do the elites need to kill so many people now?

    1. And what were their goals in 63

  8. It's so sad, for our country, that a person with the title he has is so uninformed and wants to create such hatred for a person!

  9. More outright baloney from the Prince of Fools.

  10. Scum like Shiff are weak fearful little people with insidious beliefs. Evil does exist in our would.

  11. Some one needs to snap that pencil.

  12. 9:25AM, yes, I hope that is exactly how it goes.

  13. Damn son. Give up already.

  14. This guy is such a creep! Hope his career will soon be over.

  15. So, if Trump had been impeached (not even removed from office) in February, the CoVid19 virus would not have entered the country? Really? TDS at its worst is really evident in this officious little p#$%k! What were all these committees and congress-people doing the whole time people were getting sick and dying? Oh, yeah, they were encouraging people to "go about your business as usual" because the big scary virus was only another excuse for Trump and his supporters to show their xenophobia and racism. I'll tell you what, I am sick to death of these vile creatures trying to blame everything on one man! They've been there for DECADES, yet everything wrong in the country today has been caused by one man in 3 years! They are practically gleeful at the thought of a failing America and it's disgusting!

    God bless America, and God protect the President! I sure hope these lies are exposed.

  16. 10:57....I 100% agree !!....The hate they feel for "one person" should eat them like the virus that is killing sooooo many ! and Money wasted!

  17. Dead because of DEMOCRATS !!! They get ALL the Blame !!!

  18. schiff always the liar. People died because of him. He was too busy getting all hot and bothered over impeachment. No democrat showed up at a coronavirus meeting the Republicans held months ago. The only thing worse them schiff are all the democrats voters in this country All are useless trash and none best not ever forget they are responsible for what is happening and not one dare deny

  19. Put Pencil-Neck in Prison 2020 !!!!


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