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Monday, April 27, 2020

Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Misinformation Amid Coronavirus Pandemic: “The President is Asking People to Inject Lysol Into Their Lungs” (VIDEO)

The liberal Trump-hating media, including the Drudge Report, is pushing the nonsense that President Trump proposed injecting Americans with disinfectant.

And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday continued to spread the lie about President Trump amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

“The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs and Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt. It’s a clear, visible within 24 hours of how the Republicans reject science and reject governance,” Pelosi said spreading dangerous misinformation.

President Trump on Thursday during his presser was referring to discussions of testing ultraviolet light on patients and possibly using the light inside the body. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it [the virus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets in the lungs.”



  1. She is nothing but a nut case and anyone that listens to anything she has to say has to be just as nutty as she is.

  2. Remember the end of the movie Poltergeist when all those decayed, rotting corpses were exploding out of the ground? How is it possible that Piglosi looks WORSE than ALL of them?


  3. Botox loving Nancy Antoinette is an expert on the introduction of foreign matter into the body.

    Botox works by paralyzing muscles for a period of time ideally causing them to look more taut and youthful.

    Nancy, as the owner of high end refrigeration stocked with $15/pt. ice cream, has been living the luxury life for decades. So she was a Botox early adapter. Thus her expertise on the topic.

    OTOH, she's full of it; half vodka and half Milorganite.

  4. He didn't come close to saying what she says he said.

  5. It is called lung washing. I knew exactly what Trump was referring too because I spend alot of time researching all ideas and things about a subject that I can. I just don't rely on the President or anyone one else for that matter to feed me information. If you Google lung washing covid 19 you can read exactly what Trump was referring too. If anyone thinks they can inject Lysol in their lungs, they can't be helped. I just wish Trump was better at his speech then he is. He isn't trained to debate. He is a true business man who understands how to make money. Obama was a wonderful speaker. Amazing. But he also lied alot. If you look at what he said and what he did, they don't match.

  6. Inject in the Butt !!!

  7. As if Trump never lied for political gain ?

  8. @ April 28, 2020 at 8:43 AM

    The man prior to Trump speaking had just talked about bleach and then spray disinfectants on surfaces. Trump had NO IDEA about what you are referring to, and don't pretend he did. This has nothing to do with the word salad mess style of Trump barely being able to communicate ideas, and everything to do with him being an aloof self centered self interested moron.

    You've got a lot of nerve making accusations about anyone else lying when you are trying to defend Trump, the man who lies every time he opens his mouth.

    A lot of nerve it takes also to make a post about Pelosi spreading misinformation, especially when this same critique has not be applied to the misinformation spread by Trump. We don't pick and choose... if we skewer people for misinformation, we don't do it with partisan glasses on.

    Disinfectant companies had to issue warnings not to do what the President suggested... states were getting calls about the seriousness of the claims. If Trump can't effectively communicate ideas, why is anyone supporting this maniac for President?

    Here is a demonstration of the problem: "He didn't say that. And if he did, he didn't mean that. And if he did, you didn't understand it. And if you did, it's not a big deal. And if it is, others have said worse".

    He isn't a businessman who knows how to make money, he bankrupted casinos. CASINOS! You know, where the house always wins? A successful businessman he is not.

    1. 9:17
      That is sacrilege!

      You can’t say anything negative about god.

  9. Sarcasm is wasted on the idiot and the liberal left. Sometimes a modicum of intelligence is required to detect it.

  10. Weren’t kids just eating tide pods?

  11. @ April 28, 2020 at 1:48 PM

    Because with over 50,000 Americans dead, now is the time for sarcasm. No matter how you try to explain it away, you only make it worse.


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