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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus outbreak at Long Island veterans home kills 46 vets: 'Most wicked terrorist you could ever face'

The coronavirus has swept through the Long Island State Veterans Home, killing 46 vets and sickening 51 others, according to a report Friday.

No other Long Island nursing home has a higher death toll from the virus, Newsdayreports.

“This COVID-19 is like the most wicked terrorist you could ever face,” executive director Fred Sganga told the paper.

“Who's got it? Who doesn't have it?” he said. “It's almost like an impossible battle.”



  1. Cuomo FORCED nursing homes to take coronavirus from hospitals...he has blood on his hands.

  2. They survived bullets,bombs, and other near death situations but done in by a virus.

    Thanks, guys, for your service.

  3. Most were in 80s or older and had 3 serous conditions or described as end of life phase. Saying virus killed them is ridiculous.

  4. "Its just like the flu and it will go away very soon." Donald J Trump, March 2, 2020.

  5. America facing VIETNAM losses soon !!! 68,000 killed there !!! 15 yrs


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