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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pelosi endorses Joe Biden

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday endorsed former Vice President Joseph R. Biden for president, calling him a voice of reason during tumultuous times.

Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, touted Mr. Biden’s overseeing the post-2008 recovery act and his work in helping pass Obamacare.

“And as we face [the] coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis,” she said, calling Mr. Biden “a leader who is the personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity, and integrity.”



  1. Just goes to show you what being a Democrat is all about

  2. Biden Clinton Nancy gore and Obama will fix the country. Great track record of 40 years

  3. What a joke!! Let’s not talk about creepy joe, he is a sexual predator.. has been for along time.. funny how they treated Brett Kavanaugh,no proof of anything but guilty before judgement.. they won’t even ask the question to joe..that says all you need to know about the democrats. Pure Evil...

  4. Pelosi said; :"I am endorsing Joe Biden for Senate, opps, he keeps saying that, I mean I endorse him for President, he is our only choice, litterely, he is all we have".

    1. The democratic ship is sinking. Get ready for the landslide of all time.

  5. I was seeing something on TV recently that ZOOM (conferencing and meeting services) was run by someone named Pelosi...even if they're not directly related, it shows why the dumbocrats want to extend the quarantine period every way possible...and blame it on the President!

  6. Says the moon bat about the abusive dementia lug but.

  7. How can he be a voice of reason when he doesn't even know where he is or who he is.

  8. Hahahahahaha!! The voice of reason! Hahahahahaha!!

  9. biden doesn't know what state he lives in

  10. Pelosi doesn't just have slurred speech but also 'slurred hearing's! Lol!!

  11. Is there anything that escapes from these people's demented pie-holes that is not a complete crock of s##t?

  12. Takes one to know one - Pelsoi - Biden - losers - pillocks😂😂😂

  13. All the Dementia patients have to stick together.

  14. 2020 bumper stickers for Joe.

    Biden the Hands on Candidate!

    Biden he gets to the bottom of everything and sniffs out the problem!

    Biden he is the man that is a Breast of the problems.

    Biden puts his finger on what is wrong.

    Biden the best of the Democrat Party!

  15. And we didn't already know this did you think she would break from the pack? This we knew when he was the only remaining candidate. Besides he is just a puppet at this point someone else will be pulling the strings. Did they really think he has the mentality to be president he couldn't make it as the Good Humor Ice Cream Man.

  16. Pelosi and Biden together have the IQ of a peanut.

  17. That is because Pelosi is HOPING for a good good groping from anyone, male or female, and this is her best last hope from one dementia patient to another. At least the last chance in her remaining lifetime. Neither will remember it even happened. Age has its benefits. Trust me---I know!


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