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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

China ups its spy game on US soil

For decades, China has waged an espionage war with the United States, exploiting America's comparatively open society and free-market economy to steal critical information, trade secrets and technology tools.

But as the coronavirus, officially termed COVID-19, continues to assault the globe – Beijing is upping its spy game on U.S. soil with a focus on manipulating the narrative, officials and experts say.

The primary focus now, according to several current and former intelligence officials interviewed by Fox News, is attempting to control the disease narrative inside the U.S. and cast the blame anywhere but Beijing.

One U.S. defense official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, underscored that the Chinese focus inside the U.S. remains centered on technology theft, military readiness and minimizing the blowback.




  1. When so many of our politicians, universities and corporations are in bed with the Chinese, it will be very difficult to cut them loose. Greed will destroy this nation.

  2. Many of the Spies are posing as students in our Universities and Colleges.

  3. Feinstein is the main culprit. She employed them for 20 years until she got caught.

  4. Do to them as they would do to us.


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