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Monday, April 27, 2020

Pandemic Exposes Liberalism's Free Trade, Open Borders Road To National Suicide

Open Borders and Free Trade induce national suicide slowly and gradually, without the victims waking up to what is going on until it is too late. But the coronavirus has brought home with global clarity that human societies need governments and regulated borders for their own survival.

The bottom line is clear, societies that have had open borders to previous major centers of infection and transmission, like Iran and Italy which kept open strong flows of people to and from China in the early stages of pandemic, suffered exceptionally badly.

Countries obsessed with maintaining liberal values and open borders like France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the U.S. also suffered disproportionately.

Countries that have allowed their domestic industry to decay have found they cannot now produce the crucial equipment they need, from respirators to gas masks. Countries with strong manufacturing bases like China, or with a prudent nationalist sense of preparing ahead for emergencies like Russia, have done far better. The shortage of respirators in Britain has become more than a national scandal: It is a national shame. That is another inexorable consequence of the pernicious doctrine of Free Trade.

I documented this history in some detail in my 2012 book “That Should Still Be Us“.

There, I showed how even the French Revolution of 1789 was in fact triggered by the catastrophic Free Trade Treaty that hapless King Louis XVI approved with England only three years before. It led immediately to the worst economic depression in French history which triggered revolution. In three years, liberal Free Trade succeeded in destroying a society that had flourished for a thousand years and the most powerful state Europe had known since the fall of the Roman Empire.

In his classic television series and accompanying book “How the Universe Changed”, the great British broadcaster and historian James Burke showed how the discipline of statistics was responsible for discovering the way the cholera bacteria spread through contaminated water in 19th Century London, then the largest urban area ever experienced.

Today, we see a similar pattern in the spread of the coronavirus: While half the counties in the United States remain so far virtually free of the virus, infections have soared in most major metropolitan areas, especially in so-called Sanctuary cities. Invariably these centers are ruled by liberal Democrats where illegal immigrants congregate. They are the places where the values and consequences of Free Trade and Open Borders most clearly flourish. And they ar ealso the places where the terrifying costs of those policies are most evident as well. The chickens have come home to roost.




  2. When your cupboards are bare, all your stuff is just gone or replaced with somebody else's choice of inferior stuff, and the people who made it all happen are put in charge, you'll know that you've left the door too open for too long.

  3. After this there will be a national epidemic of diabetes from all the junk food consumed.

  4. You're right, we should look to conservative ideals. Like the leader of the N. Carolina lockdown protest group who is now POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS YOU MORONS

  5. Lmao I'd rather take my risk in New York than trust power to anyone who takes InfoWars seriously...

  6. Pullleeeeze

    The Countries who faired poorly are the places where the virus was released. Stop pretending like it is a natural virus. It isn’t.

  7. So how do you explain the Black plague or the Spanish flu.
    Globalism is not the problem, just more of the hype the right wants you to believe


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