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Monday, April 27, 2020

New York boots Bernie from ballot, cancels Dem presidential primary

ALBANY — New York election officials decided Monday to strip Bernie Sanders from the ballot and cancel the state’s Democratic primary.

Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) withdrew from the race and endorsed front-runner Joe Biden earlier this month, but had hoped to stay on the ballot in remaining primary states to accumulate delegates and influence the Dem party platform and rules.

A lawyer for Sanders’ campaign sent a letter to the New York State Board of Elections on Sunday calling on officials not to cancel the contest.

But BOE co-chairman Doug Kellner and commissioner Andrew Spano, both Democrats, voted to remove Sanders on Monday, arguing he has stopped campaigning. They also said it was a matter of voter safety given the coronavirus pamdemic.

Gov. Cuomo already moved the primary from April to June 23 as New York became the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.

State and Congressional primaries will still be held the same day, but about a third of New York counties had no other races schedules for that day.



  1. He was hoping for another chance during the vote-rigged primary!
    Biden can't win and they don't want whatever his choice for VP to be the president...even if it is Hilliary!

    Keep America Great - Trump 2020!

  2. Bernie, by his own admission and action, is no longer in the "contest."

    He has no right to stay on any 2020 presidential ballot.

    1. Leave him on there, he will take votes from his democratic opponent

  3. Had the rug pulled out from under him again!

    The dumbocrats are as corrupt as it gets.

  4. Typical Dems --what happened to every vote counts ?

  5. 2:54 - that's only when it's for them...Bernie is NOT a real Democrat....he's much worse (if that could ever be)!

  6. Bernie doesn't care he's now shopping for a few more houses.

  7. This is the right thing to do. The primary means noting and would only serve to expose people to the risk of exposure to the virus. Bernie Bros are just acting childish and selfish.

  8. Now all we got to worry about is the Democrats and communist Soro's stealing the election with mail in votes!!!!! All these young people after a Socialist country better realize before it is to late that Socialism is just a beginner lesson to Communism. NO FREEDOMS except the government running it!!!!

  9. democrats would rather have a sick deranged senile pervert for President. The allegations that biden shoved his hand up an aid's skirt and grabbed her vagina are credible but because all democrats are immoral and bad people they don't care. Good people would never vote democrat and this is not debatable

  10. They see what his vision of Communism is like now !!! Don't like it ???

  11. Being BOSSED around no fun now ?? That's Communism people !!!!

  12. Bernie never planned on winning the nomination. He wanted another mansion or a jet or a yacht. Bernie supports are pillocks.


  13. As long as they removed all the other D's with suspended campaigns. That way they're screwing them all equally.

    OTOH D voters won't be able to change their minds as more of Joe's lurid past leaks out.

  14. With the Pandemic way of living , Bernie has about an icecube's chance in
    HELL of getting elected for Anything !!!

    & He wants Communism / Socialism < America Does NOT !!!


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