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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ocean City Following State’s Roadmap to Recovery, Hopes to Lift Restrictions Once Stay-At-Home Order Ends

Lodging Restrictions Extended, Beach and Boardwalk Remain Closed

Ocean City, Maryland – (April 29, 2020):
Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan amended two mayoral declarations combating the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), in order to mirror the State of Maryland’s recovery plan. The April 28th declaration extends emergency orders enacted in March, including closure of the beach, Boardwalk and Inlet Parking Lot until May 15. In addition, restrictions on short term rentals have been extended through May 22. The amended declarations dates will be revised if Governor Hogan lifts the Stay-At-Home order as part of phase one of his Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.

“Governor Hogan’s Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery laid out a path to gradually and responsibly reopen the economy, while also protecting the health and safety of our residents,” commented Mayor Rick Meehan. “The plan intends to move rapidly, but not recklessly. It is important that Ocean City mirror these actions to help avoid any set back in the progress we have made in our community and across the State.”

The mayor declaration also echoes the Stay-at-Home order, which is in place in Maryland and several surrounding states. This order directs residents and property owners to stay home, except for essential activities, to help slow the spread of coronavirus. “Our entire community continues to make sacrifices during this health crisis, but this has been especially difficult for our non-resident property owners who are anxious to visit their beach homes,” continued Mayor Meehan. “Although it has not been easy, we believe these restrictions have been successfully slowing the spread of the virus. If we all continue to work together over the next few weeks, hopefully we will be welcoming everyone back sooner rather than later.”

To read the declaration in full, please visit: www.oceancitymd.gov/covid19


  1. This will have a devastating impact locally... just awful.

  2. I work at 2 " essential " jobs. I can tell you by the volume of traffic on the roads that most people are not staying at home.
    At one of my " essential " jobs, I never knew that car soap, tire shine and an air freshener is essential for everyday living.

    1. Its essential you have to keep your car disinfected and you don't want it to stick to your tires so you slick them up....

  3. Oh such EVIL - people washing their car!

  4. 2:06 you should be happy that you are "allowed" to work

  5. Meehan you better get hotels, shops and restaurants open by Memorial Day or you will not be able to show your face in Ocean City again. This will devastate Ocean City.

  6. Meehan what are you doing to prohibit these non-residents from entering OC. They are bring and spreading the virus from their contaminated areas. Meehan and Hogan are doing nothing to protect the eastern Shore residents by enforcing the "stay at home" order from other states and the western shore. Meehan and Hogan are hypocrites. They use tag readers in the summer but not in times of this epidemic to prevent the spread of the virus.

    1. 3:03
      You are a doofus
      Sorry, but you are!

      The bioweapon was released to restructure the economy into a communist system.
      It only kills old people with pre-existing conditions.

  7. Keep playing Hogans tune. You'll be broke.

  8. It will devastate common folk in OC, not the Meehans, Moores etc.

  9. Jewish law firms are advertising how they will take your Corona 19 lawsuit for negligence for just 1/3rd no money down. Said businesses that open too soon and you get sick from them are going to pay!

    1. They will never win
      Number one reason, can it be proven it was caught in OC
      Second reason, people have a choice whether to go to OC or not. Everybody has heard about the "dangers" of traveling.

  10. When they are pushing bodies in a big hole in Salisbury like New York you’re tune will change. This isn’t fake. Where it came from is up for debate but the results aren’t.

    1. You need to pay attention to how they are “treating” patients in New York then and only then will it make sense why those there are dying.

  11. I agree with 3:03 that Meehan has done nothing to prevent out-of-towners from freely coming and going here. He repeats frequently that "we" are doing everything we can to protect the citizens of OC. This is not the first time OC has faced trouble and he has done nothing and lied about it. Remember the H2Oi annual debacle, the homeless now owning the boards at Caroline St., and turning over the boards to thugs every summer night at ten PM. Not to mention all his lip service about the giant windmills offshore. It's nice but he hasn't actually done anything about them. We need an effective mayor. I know you read this blog, Rick. Please step aside. We need an effective leader. You're all talk and no action.

    1. That rt bridge goes both ways. If the residents don't want incoming traffic, there should no out going traffic either. Conversation over my fellow travelers.

  12. When they are pushing bodies in a big hole in Salisbury like New York you’re tune will change. This isn’t fake. Where it came from is up for debate but the results aren’t.

    1. The tune won't change. We all know this but it is what it is. I'm sorry but life MUST move on.

    2. Yep! These people live in fear of their fellow man. Over a virus. Because tv told them to be. Meanwhile they’re loading up on junk food and gonna line up for their vaccine. I’m laughing at the stupidity

  13. I just rented a place on airbnb and will be there on the 9th. If they're not enforcing, I'm coming. Gotta be better than NYC.

  14. They need to Lay down & quit chomping at the bit !!! Virus Too Dangerous

  15. Well,well, Meehan has proved he's as much an ass as Hogan and Jake Day. Everyday Joe shows them the constant stream of 'come-heres' and they're traveling at will anywhere they choose.
    Hogan and PRMC are importing cases from Delaware to Salisbury so PRMC can fatten their treasury. Jake Day is in lock step with the college so there's no prosecution of a hate crime occurrence which is a felony to be swept under the rug with the blessing of the black police chief who was a 'dud' state trooper.

    I want everyone who will vote 'in person' probably under a court order to remember these dicks when they go vote and before they make the choice of their right, to remember how they used their office's to impress rules that are un-constitutional on the public.

    If the business community was serious they'd mount a challenge against Hogan in Federal District Court and abide in their wisdom. This is a ploy to stretch an agenda which is the same as the Chinese do against their people. If there are no people to object or assemble they'll continue to operate the same way and if there is another crisis then they'll make it worse the next time around.

    You voters need to wake up because this is white collar Communism. Left unchecked a norm will be established that sets the stage for a group of jack booted thugs to do the dirty work for these petty dictators to have a field day.

    I have a legal practice and its a mystery to me why the mass of people on the Shore won't pursue a course of action to liquidate the hold which is illegal by the three asses mentioned above. For obvious reasons I can't identify myself but these three should be glad I don't represent the plaintiffs.

  16. hahaha stop with the Meehan usage. His name is Rickie and that look of constipation on his face is merely the result of clinched buttcheeks.

    Any legacy you had Rickie (national TV voice of OC memorial day marketing) well my friend its gone gone.


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