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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ex-ICE Chief: ‘If Biden Becomes President, We Lose the Border’

A Joe Biden presidency will plunge the U.S. southern border into “chaos” again, former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Tom Homan has warned.

The ex-ICE chief has issued a stark caution to American voters about the choice they face in November, pointing to Biden’s radical immigration positions and track record during the Obama administration.

“Here’s a guy who spent two years saying, ‘President Trump isn’t above the law, he needs to be held accountable.’ President Trump isn’t above the law, but apparently [Biden] thinks illegal aliens are above the law,” Homan told the Daily Caller. “I’m not guessing at it – these are statements he’s actually made and you’ve all seen them.”

“If he becomes president, we lose the border.”



  1. We lose everything!!

    1. No worries, Biden won't win unless republicans get lazy and don't vote. Every good American needs to vote in November.

  2. He'll cut the border wall into chunks and give them away like Pelosi pens.

  3. If any Democrat wins the US will become a SOCIALIST / COMMUNIST Country within the 2nd year at the latest.

  4. Not only the border but economic intercourse as well.

  5. The country is gone if Buffoon gets in, even when they remove him, his communist replacement won't make a difference on that. It will be the last election.

  6. Not to worry. Sleepy will never be President...

  7. Joe heard what Tom Homan said and replied, "Why the boarder, look man you dog faced pony soldier, I took out corn pop, why you need to step outside, we need a plan for this virus. Everyone stay by your wireless set and stay tuned"

  8. You lost it when Obama was POTUS 8 years !!! Biden can't WIn No
    Worries !!! Hillary & Obama Had NO Border !!!!

    We Building back the Border just fine !!! Best in History !! Thanks to Trump

  9. Real Americans are still here & alive & WILL vote Trump back in 2020 !!!

    Finish the Border Wall too & kick OUT ALL Illegals 2020 !!!!

    Kick OUT all Democrats from office too 2020 !!! Priority # 1 MAGA

  10. If they have a "D" by their name........vote them out.


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