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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Nurses walk off job while protesting staffing numbers for COVID-19 patients at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit

8 nurses leave work

Nurses at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit protested staffing numbers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which resulted in an overnight walkout.

The nurses arrived at work at 7 p.m. on Sunday and saw the workload. Nurse Sal Hadwan, who led the protest, said the nurses would each have about a dozen seriously ill patients under their care. About half of those patients would be on a ventilator.

“It’s unsafe for the patients. We couldn’t go out there and provide the level of care they deserve,” Hadwan said.

The nurses went to the break room and asked management for more help. Management told them to get to work or leave, so eight nurses went home. The other nurses at the hospital then had to work 25 hour shifts.

“It’s unfortunate what happened last night,” Hadwan said. “We hope they can rectify the situation by getting us additional help because that’s all we were asking for.”

Hadwan said he plans to go into work Monday. It is unknown if the nurses who participated in the walkout will be reprimanded.



  1. “It’s unsafe for the patients. We couldn’t go out there and provide the level of care they deserve,” Hadwan said.

    So the nurses walked off the job and the patients received even less care. What a stupid thing for this nurse to do and say.

  2. 9:36 STFU you evil piece of shit... What about these people on the front lines???? I don't see your sorry excuse for a human being on any GD front line fighting nothing, hell you won't even fight for your own GD rights, so what should we expect from you here on this???

    When the nurses get sick from all of this who is going to help you to begin with???? Do you want to be one of those dozen who won't get care or the proper care becasue a nurse is to busy or stretched to their breaking point???? Do you want a nurse who might be mad, or sad but definitely doesn't have their head on right because they are tired??? People miss things, and things go wrong when people are not on their A game... I don't give a crap about you 9:36 but I know one thing to be clear, I don't want some tired nurse working on me when it involves life or death...

  3. After the dust has settled with this virus they should be investigated as whether they put the patients lives at risk.

  4. 936 and 106 you are idiots who know nothing. It makes me sick that clowns like you even get to poison discussion with your clueless comments.

    Unsafe staffing puts the patients at high risk, puts the hospital at high risk for malpractice, and puts the nurses at risk. Don't believe me: just check my brother's grave and medical report. Unusually high patient load led them to check on him less frequently. Choked to death on his own phlegm after being taken off a ventilator. If the only way for the nurses to get managers' attention is to walk off, then so be it. They've already done waaaaaay more than you probably ever did to protect human life.

  5. When the going gets tough. The weak run and hide.

  6. 1:35 What a whiny idiot you are. You make my point with the story about your brother. These nurses walked off the job and left the patients in their care without any care at all.


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