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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

EPIC! NBC Station Tweets Out "Striking Moment" Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam Put on His Own Blackface Mask and Urges Others to Follow

It was only a matter of time.

NBC News 4 posted a tweet on Monday of “Governor Blackface” Ralph Northam putting on his own blackface mask and urging others to do the same!



  1. It's not an N95 he's just making an ass of himself.

  2. I thought he was partial to white hoods.

  3. Oh for the Lord's sake. Now you know if this was a Republican governor you would be saying the media was making too much of it.


  4. To be fair, remember his robes were still at the cleaners, so he did the best he could with what was available to him.

    He's so tone deaf he needs a hearing test!

  5. It’s a freakin mask. He’s doing the right thing. Doesn’t matter what color it is.

  6. If He was a Republican along with the other one who Raped women, They
    WOULD be LOOONG GONE months ago !!!

  7. Remember Democrats were the KKK & Jim Crowe Laws !!! FACT

    Why do Blacks keep voting for them , Baffles me !!! WHY WHY ???

    They are the ones they should HATE, NOT the Republicans Who Freed them

    example > Lincoln !!! DUGH

  8. Democrats have Ruined Virginia since the civil war !!! Get them OUT

  9. Why all the clamor? Typical Democrat, typical behavior that is synonymous with those that are supportive of; and members of the Democrat Party. Will people ever learn accept this reality?

  10. Guess he will deny he had this mask on too !!! Like the other one !!!

  11. That's the "DEEP STATE" Mask !!!

  12. Hillary sent it to him !!! Deeeeep State !!!

  13. It's just fun to make fun of an idiot who got away with a crime that he shouldn't have. Governor earned our praise of humor😂😂😂😂😂


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