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Thursday, April 09, 2020

'Now is not the time for blame': Tracy Morgan defends Trump and calls for unity amid coronavirus crisis

Comedian Tracy Morgan said people criticizing President Trump for his response to the outbreak of the coronavirus should instead focus on supporting one another during the time of crisis.

“The struggle is real,” Morgan said Wednesday on the Today show. “People want to criticize the president, but imagine being a president of a country and have your country got sick. So, it’s difficult for him. We’ve all got to pull together as people, now.”

Morgan continued, "Now is not the time for blame and all these other things and anger. It’s here now. We just got to be together. We’ve got to all stay safe. Nobody wants to transmit it, nobody wants to attract it, nobody wants to get it. So, let's just stay safe and do the protocol that we have to do."



  1. Thank God someone's got some sense! It's sure not time for the blame game.

  2. Need more of this regardless of politico affiliation.

    Its the only way WE will be successful.

    Speaking of successful - THANK YOU JOE and keep on keepin on!

  3. 81 hours, total??? Many student pilots don't even try for their license with less than 100 hours. Yeah, he was legal but legal don't make it logical.

    1. You seem disoriented in your armchair, and you’re criticizing the pilot??


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