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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Studies Tell The Truth About Fatality Rates


  1. The Democrats do the BOOK COOKING !!!! Hiding their PORK !!!!

  2. This is a very good video. Unless everyone is tested, there can be no accurate Rate of Mortality. The rate of mortality for Maryland (currently at 4.72%) and the country comes from the number of deaths attributable to Covid-19 divided by the number of people that have tested positive for Covid-19. Left out of the equation are all the Americans that have been infected by Covid-19 but are asymptomatic, meaning they show no symptoms of being ill. If those people that were infected by asymptomatic were factored into the equation, the rate of mortality would be so much lower. What makes the rate of mortality even higher then it is is the fact that if someone comes into a hospital with serious underlying medical conditions and is infected with Covid-19, and that individual dies from, say, a heart attack, the hospitals have been instructed to list the cause of death as Covid-19. Dr. Debbie Birx says as much in the video.

  3. Democrats love the virus, since they are using it to take away our Constitutional rights and controlling the US citizens with the blessings of China and Russia. We need to take bake our Country and quickly.

  4. 3:49 Last I checked Governor Hogan is a Republican.

    1. 7:15 You better clean you reading glasses a little better and check again !!!! hogan IS a RINO piece of shit !!!!

  5. 7:15 in name only

  6. Trump's "Puppets" Dr.s will do as they are TOLD or be Fired & they
    know it !!!

    They better stick to their script & Not go rambling on on their own on TV !!!!


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