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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

McConnell: Democrats Shut Down Small Business Aid for 2 Weeks for ‘Leverage’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slammed Democrat leadership on Tuesday for taking two weeks to agree to additional funding for small businesses.

McConnell said in a statement on Tuesday:

I am just sorry that it took my colleagues in Democratic leadership 12 days to accept the inevitable, and that they shut down emergency support for Main Street in a search for partisan ‘leverage’ that never materialized. The American people are counting on Congress to put aside reflexive partisanship and work across the aisle to help our nation through this pandemic.

Congressional leaders and the Donald Trump administration agreed to a new deal that would provide for $484 billion in aid to small businesses, hospitals, and additional coronavirus testing. The Senate will vote on Tuesday, hoping to approve the bill by voice vote.

“Democratic leaders blocked the money and spent days trying to negotiate extraneous issues that were never on the table. I am grateful our colleagues have walked away from those demands and will finally let Congress act,” McConnell added.



  1. And of course rep took a knee ?

  2. I hate when they say colleagues it’s not accurate.

  3. WE Voters will be Shutting the Demon-crats Down in 2020 !!!

    1. Only - don't forget he who controls the Senate wins. The House makes laws and the Senate approves.

  4. Crooks every dam one of them..their buddies in Big corporation got theres..but our small beauty salon filed but crickets

  5. Funny how Govt even sends Millions to those Big Shots / Big Bus / Colleges

    who did not even Request it !!! Small Bus has to jump threw Hoops &
    Wait in line for weeks !!!

  6. Small Business needs to GET RID of the Demon-crats in 2020 !!! VOTE !!!

  7. I'm on it - Trump 2020🇺🇸. destroy Nancy, Schumer, AOC etc


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