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Monday, April 27, 2020

Maryland Covid 19 Data 4-27-3030 (updated)

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland
Number of confirmed cases: 19,487
Number of negative test results: 85,489  
Number of confirmed deaths: 858
Number of probable deaths: 87
Currently hospitalized: 1513
Acute care: 978
Intensive care: 535
Ever hospitalized: 4,101
Released from isolation: 1,263
Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic

By County

County    Cases   Deaths  
Allegany    114    (4)  
Anne Arundel    1,544    (66)    8*
Baltimore City    1,933 (82)    6*
Baltimore County    2,548    (87)    11*
Calvert    138 (7)  
Caroline    68      
Carroll    403    (37)  
Cecil    163   (5)  
Charles    529  (36)    1*
Dorchester    51    (2)  
Frederick    865    (42)    6*
Garrett    4
Harford    352    (4)    7*
Howard    778  (16)    1*
Kent    70    (4)  
Montgomery    3,843    (190)    20*
Prince George's    5,263    (187)    11*
Queen Anne's    54    (3)      
St. Mary's    144    (6)  
Somerset    19          
Talbot    34   (1)  
Washington    181   (3)
Wicomico    336    (5)  
Worcester    53  
Data Not Available  (71)    16*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender    Cases Deaths  
0-9    228
10-19    490      
20-29    2,217 (5)  
30-39    3,264 (13)    1*
40-49    3,436    (18)    2*
50-59    3,556    (60)    5*
60-69    2,758    (134)    11*
70-79    1,916 (210)    12*
80+    1,622    (345)    41*
Age Data Not Available  (73)    15*

Female:    10,460    (412)    51*
Male:    9,027
(446)    36*
Gender Data Not Available:      

By Race and Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity    Cases
African-American (NH)    7,085    (353)    25*
Asian (NH)    384    (33)    2*
White (NH) 4498    (328)    44*
Hispanic 3,077    (56)    1*
Other (NH)    752    (16)  
Data Not Available    3,691    (72)    15*


  1. We are already at 0.32 % of the county population being sick or infected, and keeps rising even though no one is getting tested so how is that possible????

  2. Wicomico County: 270 to 336 in one day. An increase of 66, 24% INCREASE in one day. 5% death rate in the USA 960,000 cases, 55,000 deaths. 50x more deadly than the flu, and at least 10x more contagious. Please: Stay home, stay out of Walmart...etc. Curbside!

    1. We only went up by 4 from yesterday!! Check your numbers!

    2. Sorry, commented on wrong day...😔

  3. The governor need to let the parents and kids know they won't be going back to school this year.

  4. If you want to know how hypocritical the government is, look no further than gas stations. Where is the mandatory order that gas stations wipe down the nozzle between customers? Every person touches the hand nozzle when getting gas. They also touch the keyboard to punch in their zip code. Walmart and everyone else is required to wipe down carts yet there is no mandate to wipe down gas nozzles. People from different states touch them when they stop for gas. That tells you all you need to know about how serious the government is about disinfecting and minimizing exposure. But..,we all have to wear masks in public. Whatever.

  5. I haven't seen any stores wiping down their carts. The customers do it on their own (if they are lucky enough to find disinfecting wipes near the entrance by the carts). I think most people are bringing their own now.

  6. No one is wiping down the pin pads at Walmart. Food lion puts a plastic bag over them.


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