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Monday, April 27, 2020

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-27-20

Wicomico County: 270 to 336 in one day. An increase of 66, 24% INCREASE in one day. 5% death rate in the USA 960,000 cases, 55,000 deaths. 50x more deadly than the flu, and at least 10x more contagious. Please: Stay home, stay out of Walmart...etc. Curbside!


  1. Were those all Covid deaths? There will be an economic collapse if we stay home. The elderly can stay home.

    1. Bogus numbers, just like we have a bogus governor

  2. Skewed data. How many have it that don't know?

  3. No on believes that the number of cases is equal to the number of positive test results.

    The number of cases is many times the number who have tested positive, so the death rate is many times LOWER.

  4. I'm so sick of figures and percentages I could scream.

  5. Are you counting ALL of the ones being hauled here from Delaware by the PGHHS? I don't think so. This is a secret that's being withheld from the populous of Wicomico Co. Delaware wouldn't allow this yet PGH is allowed to for the money in their treasury. Don't worry about the propagation of pestilence among the electorate. If a few of them die...oh well the money is the basic thing. They'll charge the government because the ones being imported here are on welfare anyway. Not only Delaware welfare but now Maryland is spending tax dollars too. Please join me in telling Hogan he's a backwoods dumbass and should never be involved in any type of politics again and maybe if he comes down with Covid and dies the greater good will prevail.

    They ALL need to be in the lowest reaches of Hell.

  6. Unless you die of a gunshot wound or horrific accident they classify your death as a covid 19 death. Even if you don’t have it and died of a blood clot or heart attack. They get more money for covid 19 deaths. That is a fact ! Don’t believe what they say, you will be a statistical covid death.

  7. Quit sending Delawareans to Salisbury

  8. Yes and the mortality rate is similar to flu for people under 59


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