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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

'Marine veteran', 36, is jailed for threatening to assassinate Trump

An apparent former US Army infantryman and Marine has been sentenced to 18 months in a Texasfederal prison after he threatened to assassinate President Donald Trump, the US Justice Department has announced.

Mickael Gedlu, 36, was sentenced via video teleconference by Chief U.S. District Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn on Friday. He pleaded guilty to the charges in December.

According to plea documents, Gedlu admitted to making a series of threats against the commander-in-chief's life across on social media between December 2018, and June 2019.

In one video posted to YouTube, Gedlu reportedly said: 'I am waiting for Trump to visit Dallas before I attempt to assassinate him.'

In another post made to Facebook, the 36-year-old said: 'For 20 straight months now, openly and publicly, I have been calling for President Trump's death.'



  1. How about all the ritch liberals in Hollywood, why do they get a free pass???

    1. Exactly, how come all the wealth Hollywood Liberal's can make statements to the same effect and get away with it?

  2. Should of received 18 years.

  3. Prison isn't jail, it's prison.

  4. And Kathy Griffin gets a free pass showing a picture of her holding President Trump's bloody head after she cut it off?


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