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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Does A Harvard Professor Think It's "Authoritarian" To Allow Parents To Teach Their Kids?

Harvard University law professor has called for a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling — claiming that the freedom to do so under our current laws is “authoritarian.”

“The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that’s dangerous,” Elizabeth Bartholet said in an interview with Harvard Magazine.

“I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”

Bartholet stated that there is “an essentially unregulated regime in the area of homeschooling,” with “very few requirements that parents do anything.”

“[P]eople can homeschool who’ve never gone to school themselves, who don’t read or write themselves,” she said.

Bartholet also stated that homeschooling can make it easier for parents to get away with abusing their children and/or indoctrinating them with white supremacy and misogyny:

[I]t’s also important that children grow up exposed to community values, social values, democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints.

I do not, of course, want to minimize the absolute horror of child abuse. It’s disgusting; it’s heartbreaking; and anyone who isn’t a sociopath agrees that it’s necessary to protect our children.

Unfortunately, however, it’s also true that abuse is hardly something that can occur only in a child’s home. In fact, as Harvard grad and homeschooler Kerry McDonald pointed out in a letter to Harvard Magazine in response to its article, “many parents choose to homeschool their children to remove them from abuse at school, whether it’s widespread bullying by peers or, tragically, rampant abuse by teachers and school administrators themselves.”

“Banning homeschooling, or adding burdensome regulations on homeschooling families, who in many instances are fleeing a system of education that they find harmful to their children, are unnecessary attacks on law-abiding families,” McDonald continues.



  1. Because they want to shove down your child's throat their left wing evil demonic crap with out you being there. They cant do that if you are supervising their education.

  2. Boy, she's a real academic kook.

  3. Like we want them to be little indoctrinated socialist soldiers! They are terrified that they will lose control over the kids.

  4. What if hitler raised a kid? Todays education system is not much different. The progressive left is just as evil and dangerous

  5. Read her resume and look at her picture. You'll figure it out.

  6. �� presumptuous college professors sicken me. If I had a school age child I might not send them back to those hell holes of indoctrination-ever. I birthed them, I am entitled to indoctrinate them as I see fit. That's what creates true diversity. She needs to get out more.

  7. They are losing grasp, of the control factor. They mock the online education alternative because it removes another layer of safety, to their indoctrination. They expose themselves individually, and cowards need to shadow as part of the herd. Let's be honest, these elite colleges are just for the activists, the diverse, and the connected. We are fast coming to the point, where the most abused group today, is to be white, to be a white male, and to be a poor white male. Add home schooling, and you can see why, it must be stopped.


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