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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lawsuits on the Horizon as Democrats Gear Up to Push Universal Mail-In Voting

A slew of lawsuits could very well be on the horizon as Democrats gear up to push some of their long-held policy objectives, like universal mail-in voting, using the coronavirus pandemic as a political catalyst.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) essentially revealed her party’s hand after crafting her own version of an emergency relief measure last month, jam-packed with a swathe of progressive policy objectives from Green New Deal initiatives to demands for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data. Pelosi also included a suite of proposals to fundamentally change the way Americans vote in elections, including ballot harvesting and vote-by-mail. While her emergency relief bill failed to gain traction, the party’s main objective, to make mail-in voting an accepted, and even embraced, reality in the United States, was just getting started.

Many fear Democrats are using the crisis as a catalyst to achieve what have remained long-held Democrat Party political objectives — objectives that have been, primarily, battled in the court system.

Election experts say this could cause the perfect storm, leading to a flurry of lawsuits from both sides, bringing a political atmosphere reminiscent of the days of Bush v. Gore.



  1. Elections should be put on hold until things are under control.

  2. Democrats will do anything to have things their way even if it means the total destruction of the US constitution, which by the way is their intended goal so they can have a socialist/communist form of government. GOD help us.

  3. The constitution does not allow for voting to be put on hold

  4. USPS can’t do the job they have without losing Billions. Why give them more work?



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