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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Jonathan Karl: Media Behaving 'Like Resistance'

The media covering President Donald Trump has "behaved like the resistance" and it has gone "over the top," according to ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl on Newsmax TV.

"Too much of the news media during the Trump era has behaved like the resistance, at least has appeared like the resistance," Karl, also the president of the White House Correspondents' Association, told Thursday's "The Chris Salcedo Show." "That is not our job. We are not here to be opposed to Donald Trump.

"We are not supposed to be players in this drama. We're supposed to report the facts."

The "relentless negativity" of those covering Trump's White House has damaged the "credibility" of media, Karl told host Chris Salcedo in a wide-ranging interview.



  1. By now everybody knows the MSM are liars and America haters.

  2. They (the liberal media) have went all-in on "getting" Trump.

    They don't report ANY news that SOMEHOW is not linked to Trump and it's ALWAYS negative. It's not even news anymore, just hours of opinion broadcast as "news".
    That bumbling, fumbling, monkey pretender of obama screwed up on a DAILY basis, but CNN, ABC, NBC, etc., ALL acted like he was THE smartest and wisest man to have ever lived.
    Guns to criminals, tax prosecutions, kids smoking dope, complete lockdown of the history of him and his wife, etc., and so much more.
    I'm wondering, if CNN says our economy is REALLY due to Obama's wise leadership, is corona ALSO his fault? Or is it just Trump? And how many centuries will have to pass before Obama is NOT responsible for all the great things and Trump is not Satan, destroying America??
    I heard ABC says "never".
    American's would prefer the Pied Piper.

    Maybe they already have him.

  3. Don't forget that the MSM is controlled by very powerful men with ties to George Soros. It is time for the President to order martial law and to take down America's domestic enemies.

  4. Well actually I do prefer a media that questions everything and asks the hard questions to politicians in charge.


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