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Monday, April 20, 2020

Judge Blocks Democrat Kansas Governor’s Order Limiting Church Gatherings to 10 People

A Kansas federal court judge issued a temporary restraining order Saturday against a Democrat Kansas governor’s executive order limiting church gatherings to ten people at a time, according to a report.

The ruling came a week after the Supreme Court of Kansas sided with Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly, who saw her executive order get overruled by a Republican-led state legislature.

“We are in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic,” the governor said, according to the Associated Press. “This is not about religion. This is about a public health crisis.” She added that the ruling was “preliminary” and said she would be “proactive” about protecting the public during a public health crisis.

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, on the other hand, supported the court’s decision.

“Today’s judicial ruling is a much-needed reminder that the Constitution is not under a stay-home order and the Bill of Rights cannot be quarantined,” he said. “The Constitution protects our liberties especially during times of crisis, when history reveals governments too quick to sacrifice rights of the few to calm fears of the many.”



  1. Simply amazing that this stuff happens in the USA.

    Shows we still have a very long way to go in life.

  2. What happened to Televangelists ? The likes of Ernest Angley, Robert Schuller,Pat Robertson,Jim Baker,Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts Jr.,Jimmy Swagger,Jesse Duplantis,Joel Osteen. There is no reason to go out to get your ole time religion just tune in like QVC and HSN and have your Bible and credit card close by. Worship at home.

  3. The 'faithful" are in the category as being most as risk as a result of this

  4. Let them die. Fools think God will protect them this will show them how stupid they are.

  5. these dumbocrats just despise the constitution.

    What part of "YOU CAN'T DO THAT" don't these moron libtards get?

  6. Brilliant.

    I guess survival of the fittest now comes down to who is less stupid.

    Stay home. God is everywhere... he knows how deadly this virus can be and will forgive you if you miss a few plate collections, you can still mail it in.

  7. Wonderful! At least one judge still understands the Constitution!

  8. Maybe that judge needs to Rule on Michigan's Governor too !!!! Hint Hint

    1. It boils down to money, who can afford the attorneys to take thses things to a higher court. You can be in the legal right all you want it cost a lot more with every level of court you appeal to. Circuit court costs more than district, court of appeals even more, federal courts cost ten of thousands. And what do you think an attorney would charge to take your case to the Supreme court? Be in the right all you want, just be sure you can afford the attorneys to prove it!


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