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Monday, April 20, 2020

As U.S. coronavirus deaths top 40,000, governors tell Trump it’s too soon to reopen America

(Reuters) - Protests flared in U.S. states on Sunday over stay-at-home orders while governors disputed President Donald Trump’s claims they have enough tests for the novel coronavirus and should quickly reopen their economies.

An estimated 2,500 people rallied at the Washington state capitol in Olympia to protest Democratic Governor Jay Inslee’s stay-at-home order, defying a ban on gatherings of 50 or more people.

Despite pleas from rally organizers to wear face coverings or masks as public health authorities recommend, many did not.

“Shutting down businesses by picking winners and losers in which there are essential and non-essential are violations of the state and federal constitution,” rally organizer Tyler Miller, 39, an engineer from Bremerton, Washington, told Reuters.

In Denver, hundreds of people gathered at the state capitol to demand the end to Colorado’s shutdown. As protesters clogged streets with cars, healthcare workers in scrubs and face masks stood at intersections in counterprotest.



  1. Healthcare workers are so tired and busy they found time to protest around possible sick people ?Lol

  2. Most want to start opening the virus rates are dropping time to save the economy or a lot more death will follow

  3. The shut downs are illegal
    The release of the virus was also illegal

    Government is looking very bad to regular people right now. Corrupt and fraudulent

  4. Follow the Administrations guidelines presented last Thursday . We are not there yet

  5. These shutdown are not doing anything! They are feel good measures.

  6. As a small business owner I must agree to keep us shutdown for right now. If we open everything up to soon, this all would be in vain.

  7. China just preparing America for when it takes over !!! Get you used to it !!!

    When they tell you to stay Home , you will , or be shot !!!

  8. Y'all who want to go out, go first. Thin the herd.

  9. Amen 2:50

    Please go out !!!


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