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Thursday, April 09, 2020

High school daughter of slain University of Wisconsin doctor and her husband is pictured for the first time - as it's revealed she was living with the prime suspect and is under investigation for her actions on the night of the murder

These are the first pictures of the high school senior who is at the center of the 'brutal execution' of her adoptive parents.

Mimi Potter Carre, 18, was dating her classmate who is now accused of shooting University of Wisconsin professor Beth Potter and her half-naked husband at point-blank range and leaving them for dead.

Her pictures seem to show that Mimi didn't have a care in the world as she horses around with her brothers, plays with her dog and poses in front of a mirror for a selfie.

But now her world has come crashing down after boyfriend Khari Sanford allegedly killed Dr. Potter — who was helping the university in its response to the coronaviruscrisis — and her husband, educational consultant Robin Carre.



  1. After looking at the photos it all makes sense now.

    1. Her long hair? Or were you race baiting?

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Seems as though as I truthfully state undeniable facts regarding racial relations, my comments can’t pass the sensitivity level required by the moderator. I will try a different approach. In this case, I totally agree with 10:11am as I feel the same way. I had an uneasy feeling about this even before reading the article and viewing the photographs. I am certain that the victims in this case were naive, virtue signaling liberal democrats and had no idea of the position they were placing themselves in. Sleeping with Scandinavian puppies and you will certainly end up with fleas. For those of you who are inclined toward the sort of social relationships hat resulted in this horror you have no one to blame but yourselves. Research on YouTube sometime violent reactions to murderers being sentenced and you will note that 85% to 90% are represented by one obvious characteristic. Please take my comment as a warning as this sort of behavior is highly predictable. There, I made no racially derogatory statements but got my point across.

    1. No good deed goes unpunished. In their case as well as yours.

    2. The adopted daughter was mixed race. She conspired with her boo and his friend to murder her parents. There goes her life of spoiled privilege!

      And her white adoptive parents were SJW’s too.

  3. They just didn't think about what happens next.

  4. They'll be stars on "Killer Couples" next season on the Oxygen channel.

  5. Logical outcome for several bad decisions.

  6. "Her long hair? Or were you race baiting?"

    Neither. Just take a good look at the goofy expressions on the faces of the parents. Obviously liberals with no clue.

  7. You can always tell how liberal couples are when the woman refuses to take the man's last name. Look at these two.


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