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Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Harvard Magazine attacks homeschooling as public schools nationwide are locked down

A Harvard Law professor is facing near-universal condemnation after pushing for a total ban on homeschooling, especially when public schools are locked down due to the coronavirus.

The latest edition of Harvard Magazine interviewed the professor who is demanding a“presumptive ban on the practice” and claims homeschooling “violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education'” and keeps them from “contributing positively to a democratic society.”

“The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that’s dangerous,” she says. “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”



  1. So the pedo lost the ability to touch the minds and bodies of his pupils and is upset he isn't being heard?

  2. Harvard is turning out to be a stinker with these attitudes and deranged mind sets. Also, keeping stimulus money, as already one of the wealthiest and best endowed institutions, is deplorable.

  3. The public school system is a waste of money time and effort

  4. The elite are just scared all these school closings will lead to parents realizing how bad the school system really is. There is so much online and now thanks to covid so much has now been made free. If parents and kids realize how much better it is, it will destroy the system.

  5. This guy should be put in front of a wall and shot.


  6. The expert this article focuses on is older than Joe Biden, slightly younger than RBG, and her bio shows neither spouse nor offspring. Ivy League for BA & JD. Has a small, non-diversified coven at the institute she heads.

    Believes kids are property of the state and questions if parents should have a say-so in educating or rearing them. So if taking flying lessons from a non-pilot, or sailing lessons from a land-lubber is your idea of expertise, she might be the expert you turn to for child rearing and educating advice. Or not.


  7. "The latest edition of Harvard Magazine interviewed the professor who is demanding a“presumptive ban on the practice” and claims homeschooling “violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education'” and keeps them from “contributing positively to a democratic society.”

    My son was home-schooled K-12. He now works for an international company at a plant manufacturing electrical equipment. He is universally liked and respected there, and is now one of their 'senior' employees after only three years, and is pretty well maxed out on the pay grid. The people they hire through the temp agencies (all of the new hires) flow through that place like water. They can hardly come up with enough of them to staff the place because they are such poor workers and so unable/unwilling to do the work.

    Products of the public schools.

    So you tell me, Professor-- what was it again that was so bad about home-schooling?

    Maybe a previous comment hit it-- the REAL issue is a loss of control over their minds, and an arrogant assumption that only a brilliant 'education-professional' has the qualifications to properly educate our children.

    But let's take a look at what the "pros' are actually producing.. that is the ONLY thing that really counts.

    The results tell the tale.

  8. This dude is exactly why you SHOULD home school!
    Heaven forbid you should have a say in raising your kids and not them, right?
    People who think they "own" you or your kids are dangerous, especially when they are teaching young adults. They are straight up brain-washing their doctrine right into people.
    This is another way to push their control over people and try to undermine democracy. We are the parents and our children DO NOT belong to you!

  9. what a nincompoop

  10. Maybe home schooled children will learn that over 300,000 Union soldiers died fighting the Southern Confederacy during the civil war. Not all states of America in the 1860's owned slaves.


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