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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Florida Republicans Demand Miami Herald Fire Columnist for ‘Thin the Ranks’ Coronavirus Remark

Florida Republicans are urging the Miami Herald to take action against metro columnist Fabiola Santiago, who tweeted on Sunday that Florida residents packing beaches “should work nicely to thin the ranks” of supporters of President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

On Sunday, Santiago specifically tweeted that “packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health.”

Hours later, Santiago deleted the tweet and issued an apology, saying her remarks “didn’t accurately convey my sentiment… Regardless of political differences, I would never wish any harm on anyone.”

Her apology came after strong condemnation from prominent Trump supporters and coverage of her remarks by independent news media outlets, including anarticle at Breitbart News and coverage on Fox News.

Responding directly to condemnation from the Republican Party of Florida, Mindy Marques, publisher and executive editor of the Miami Herald, issued an apology on Twitter and said the newspaper would “follow up internally.”



  1. Ironic huh.
    Everyone knows the Chinese Coronavirus is killing Democrats 10 to every 1 Republican.

    Even viruses can spot the ilk.

  2. If that psychopath media presstitute were to get the Coronavirus, I'd feel sorry for the virus.

  3. The party of hate! It’s all they have left.

  4. We all love free speech till you get offended by it. Then it's hang the infidel!

    Tender little snowflakes. Get over it.

    How about focusing your fake outrage at the idiots who are ACTUALLY endangering the health of all of us? You know the people who this reporter focused her ire at?

    No, you wanna get mad at something someone SAID and not at something a bunch of people foolishly DID.

    Ya'll need to rearrange your priorities.


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