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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Government Sanctioned Suicide: Study Finds Coming Economic Crisis Could Lead to 831,600 Suicides – Or 13 Times the Number of Coronavirus Deaths

As reported earlier Goldman Sachs updated its economic forecast earlier this week and we are looking at a man-made catastrophe!

The economic crash we are looking at is Biblical in proportions!

The US unemployment rate will rise to 15% from 3% due to the current economic shutdown in place across the country.

A study by Goldman Sachs in the paper this morning suggests unemployment will be soar to 15% from about 3% this quarter. That means from 27 million minimum to 67 million maximum will lose their jobs in the next three months.

This is a catastrophe! The pain, suffering and death will be immense from this man-made disaster!



  1. Goldman Sachs!


    Yea, right. They probably released the virus. It is one of the most evil corporations on the planet.

  2. Thinning of the heard????
    As seen on TV

  3. How does Sachs believe the serfs will react after working hard all their lives and spending their last dollars, only to lose EVERYTHING?
    Slumlords want their money (on houses built in 1949 and paid off many times over since then). Electric companies don't care about any "virus" -- it's YOUR MONEY they will demand. That car that has only 10 payments left (after you have already paid them $25,000 or more? It is a GREAT "opportunity" for GM and Toyota.
    Groceries? LOL.
    We have already spent trillions - TRILLIONS - on generations of families who have NEVER worked but eat like kings. You think they will feed everyone else, too?
    Now, the DLLR benefits are BS??
    I don't see a single POLITICIAN suffering at all. Not one.
    Your "leaders" show off two freezers (!!) of f'ing ICE CREAM!

    REVOLUTION. And they know it. Keep cheering now.

  4. This is all part of the plan China had in mind > Population Control !!! Fact

  5. NIH is working on one that will only knock off Illegals in America !! LOL

  6. Please encourage those who are thinking of this to not go it alone, take a Politian with them!


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