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Friday, April 24, 2020

'Experts' know best, they say homeschooling needs regulation, reform

A summit planned for this June at Harvard aims to discuss what it calls the "problems, politics, and prospects for reform" in homeschooling.

Supporters of homeschooling have concerns about the summit planned for June 18-19 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That may be due to the fact that these comments from the organizer, Professor James Dwyer have gone viral:

"The state needs to be the ultimate guarantor of a child's well-being. There's just no alternative to that. The reason parent-child relationships exist is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws. It's the state that is empowering parents to do anything with children – to take them home, to have custody, and to make any kind of decisions about that." (Law professor James Dwyer, College of William & Mary)

The following excerpt from the summit website summarizes the objective of the gathering:

"The focus will be on problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling, in a legal environment of minimal or no oversight. Experts will lead conversations about the available empirical evidence, the current regulatory environment, proposals for legal reform, and strategies for effecting such reform."

More here


  1. Yep, throughout history, even way back to the Neanderthals, the STATE has been there to make sure children and their parents do what they are supposed to do.

    These idiots (do THEY even have any children) think that the state confers (!?) authority to parents. It is only with their PERMISSION are children allowed to even be in the same household.

    We need to start the hanging. These people WILL NOT STOP.

    Or, keep cheering.

  2. Regulations, regulations! We know best! F U.


  3. What this 'professor' is saying should scare the crap out of every parent, whether you agree with the idea of homeschooling or not.

    These people are dangerous.

    1. They are very dangerous. This has nothing to do with the quality of homeschool education and everything to do with controlling the minds of young people. Lots of people are sick and tired of what’s going on in the public school system and are opting out. Next, they’ll be coming after private christian schools. You can bet on it.

  4. Because the state does such an excellent job of everything, all the bureaucratic systems run so smoothly and efficiently, why wouldn't they also take the role of parenthood? This is disgusting. I sincerely hope this goes nowhere.

  5. I have no issue with homeschooling as long as children are actually being educated. If it's only being used for religious indoctrination that teaches revisionist skewed history and doesn't teach actual science, then it's a problem and absolutely must be regulated.

    The States is getting left behind in education. If we plan on staying number one in the world, our children MUST have a good education.

  6. April 24, 2020 at 9:15 AM

    Are you kidding? You are the reason the country is screwed... Liberals like you. History IS NOT being taught in school now. If it was we would not be where we are. Snowflake....

  7. The experts don't know best. They are just your typical liberials that want to brain wash your kids as much as possible. Just like they did in Nazi Germany. They took kids from their parents to brain wash them. And they have been doing in the USA since the 60's. Teaching them liberalism and to be a citizen of the world. That is why there is no patriotism in the younger generation today. That is why they have been dumbed down by public education. That is why you see college kids on interviews that don't even know who the President's are or can't even tell you who fought in the Civil War. Also most home schooled kids are smarter than public schooled kids. Most home school kids test two or more grades higher than public school kids the same age.If you think public school gives your kids a good education your are just as dumb as they are because the brain washing is working.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: The issue here is loss of control. Homeschooling prevents government access to children which makes it impossible to inflict the necessary cultural Marxist doctrine through propaganda and indoctrination which has become the main function of government controlled indoctrination facilities ( Also called “schools”)

  9. I've been around a few academia types in my day. Don't even think they know best. Closed minds R us, is what they are.


  10. Homeschooling parents are at least sufficiently interested in their kids' education and its content to take action which involves lots more contact with the kids and their academic progress. That's almost entirely a positive thing.

    Plus the potential for lots more field trips!

  11. Sadly they realize that the homeschooled kids are testing better that those in public school.....so to bring these kids down to the intellectual level of those in public school they seek ways to control homeschooling!! Maybe they need to devote their time and energy to fix public schools instead of lowering the bar.....thanks to Obammy for that solution!

  12. Ok, lets break this down. Hold on "Experts" this might gonna hurt! From 1990 to 2000 we dropped from 6th to 24th in "overall" global standing. 2014-2018 only 15% of 8th graders were at or above average in US history. We rated 264 out of 500! In a 2015 survey, the US wad 24th out of 71 country's in math. Ever since 2000 we've been BELOW the global average. Now, yes, Home schooling should have certain criteria to meet, but knowing over 10 families that have home schooled, I can say with COMPLETE accuracy that they are not only VERY adapt at math, English, grammar, science...they are also EXTREMLY competent on CURRENT EVENTS, and are VERY aware of CIVICS, which hasent been taught in our public schools for years! Civics is part of Americas backbone! In addition, the kids whom I'm familiar with are also taught...Ya better sit down for this one...Respect, and common courtesy. Wow, what concept!. Now, I'm in no way dogging teachers, buuut isnt that who's teaching our children? As an engineer, I've been held accountable for "results" in my career. If the products I designed failed...then I failed , shouldn't they be held accountable for our children's test results? If our children fall, then obviously they've failed.

  13. @915 Come regulate it big boy. The moment you inject your authority in my kids life is the day I stomp the life out of you. Get it?


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