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Friday, April 24, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Hot Spots

Hello Joe, every night we watch on TV where the Hot Spots are around the country for the Corona-virus. These are the areas where you shouldn't even go because of the danger. Locally, in Sussex County Delaware the biggest Hot Spot is around Georgetown. So until things get better it's not advisable to go to that area. At least in Delaware the citizens know where not to go. Not so in Wicomico County. Just try and get some official to let the citizens know where the Hot Spots are. I've heard even the County Council can't get straight information from the Health Department. Why is this? What's the big secret? If I knew where they were I would definitely let family and friends know. That would be best for everyone's sake. So can anyone tell us what's going on with Hot Spots in Wicomico County and why is it a secret?


  1. I think we can safely conclude the hot spot in wicomico county is the city of Salisbury. I know that doesn’t really narrow things down but the theory is that you should assume everywhere is a hot spot and not go anywhere at all unless it is essential.

    1. Less than 200 people in Salisbury have been documented as having the virus. Salisbury has a population of 38,000! I wouldn't call it a hot spot...

  2. Typical non information for Salisbury and Wicomico County. Same reason, I guess, you can't get any information from Police Department when you know damn good and well things are happening around town, but they swear this is the perfect town, no crime ever.

  3. Just look where the biggest concentration of illegals are and you'll find your answer

    1. Did you mean essential, agricultural workers?


  4. It's because maryland only reports as a county, not by zip code. Have to keep up with hippa.

    1. The MD government website is broken down by zip.

  5. The health department is a state government office. County council are yocal retards. Both are incapable of performing their duties.

  6. Stay away from crowded areas and take 100 cc's of disinfectant IV each day

  7. Hint...grocery stores, convenience stores and gas stations, workplaces, child care facilities and medical facilities. Stay home!!!

  8. Don’t worry about where the hot spots are. How about just not going out and staying home or only traveling to your essential job like you’ve been asked?

    1. Why are the postal carriers delivering mail with no mask or improperly wearing masks. To purposefully spread this to keep us under control. Keep trusting your gov honey.

      "First you do what they tell you, now your under control."..

  9. Chicken plants would be a good starting point, sussex or wicomico.

  10. For each and every person they can list as "possible " cv19 patient, they receive a large amount of money. They are NOT going to help anyone track down the legitimacy of said "possible" cv19 suspected. Its nothing to do with HIPPA. Notice the things their willing to do in the name of public safety, but in this circumstance public safety is being ignored. More "possibly" infected is a money maker to them.

  11. You guys do understand the entire country is a hotspot? The New York antibody test truly shows this. When 21% of the population has antibodies, it means its been in the United States far longer than we think. It also means the fatality rate is like .1-.3%. It's literally only killing the weak an thinning the heard. Shutting down the economy will kill more than this virus will.

  12. Why is it a Secret?

    Well if they told you, they'd have to kill you AND claim it was do to COVID 19!

    Understard now VIEWER???

  13. It has to be the bury, if it wasnt then i think we would already know where they are. Just like with crime, its all being supressed. There is no crime in da bury and no Corona. Keep trusting these fools. I'm not!

  14. Go to coronavirus.maryland.gov for the latest statistics by county and by zip code on the map.

    Today, as has been the case for the last week, the highest number is in the 21804 zip, reporting 100 Friday afternoon.

    The next highest is 21801 zip, reporting 69 today.

    The map has the latest data and it helps to enlarge it. Further down the page is a list of counties that has not been updated for at least ten days.... very old news.

  15. Does cover up sound like something?


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