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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Even The Sane Are Nuts!


  1. Replies
    1. I really like that sign, looks like a millenial not brain washed from college

  2. why is she a dumbass? She is simply turning the pro abortion mantra back on those who approve of killing babies.

  3. She 100% right. If you can choose to kill your baby as a healthcare choice you can also have the right to choose to wear a mask, get a vaccine etc...it goes both ways.

  4. She doesn’t need a bra

  5. Last time I checked this is supposed to be a free country. Seems like the comments suggest otherwise. So it is OK to abort your own baby but not go without a mask. we live in scary times

  6. 7:23: Really who is the dumbass here you??? Wanting to demonize someone who doesn't drink the kool-aid??? Someone who thinks outside the box????? You are a very very special kind of stupid aren't you??? You clearly are to stupid to see what closing the economy will do to this country... Let me explain it for your simple minded self...

    Economy works when people spend money on needless bullshit, when no one has money to spend on needless crap, the economy tanks, get the point??? Now yes the govt gave a bail out package to the corps and you got a 1,200 check yippy, did that even cover your months bills?? Not mine!!!! Then let me explain it like this, the govt works when it gets paid, it gets paid by us working in the form of taxes, when no one works, half of the taxes are not coming in as they used to, when the govt gives bailouts and they are talking more, that is tax money going to corps and to the citizens but usually more to the corps... Once they run out of that tax money, then what????

    People have a right to choose if they wan to be out in this mess or not, you get no god damn say nor can you be mad about it, it is your own responsibility to keep your-own self safe and healthy...

    You didn't do all of this for Zika, ebola, H1N1, swine flue, bird flue, TB, Sars, Mers, and any of the others I missed... Funny how the numbers are fake, and the govt went on live tv and told you to your retard face they were fake, and all of the governors are begin sued and losing in court over their illegal lawful orders to mandate stores closed or we have to stay in side or social distancing...

    Oh but this virus is so bad that the NY Governor went on live tv several times in a row on several days in a row demanding and begging for ventilators and then ooppps, like a switch, now he is giving them away to states that need them!!!!! So if it s that god damn bad, why is he giving them away after begging and demanding and demonize people to get them???

    Oh and one final thing, if this virus is so god damn bad, then why do nurses and doctors have so much time on their hands, that they can script and choreograph and practice dance movies to a song and then record it while working????? Yeah I guess I am just stupid becasue I don't drink the kool-aid!!!! I must not be hip to be square right????

    1. Couldn't have said it better.

  7. About time the right finally decides the left is correct in that government doesn't have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body, even in the interest of "saving a life".

  8. Your Body Don't get to Infect other Bodys !!! That's NOT your Right !!!!

  9. Whoa - should put are nations education system on monkey tilt!

  10. I believe I understand that wearing masks protects others?

    1. Only certain types. Not hand made. Ask an asbestos removal expert. They are laughing at you if you with a hanky on your face.

  11. 8:27AM), except for the profanity, I am with you.
    9:08AM); your position has merit. If a person knowingly has a contagion and deliberately infects someone else is absolutely wrong. There are many examples of this happening, as I am sure you are aware of. In this particular case if an individual is experiencing symptoms that have been described as being synonymous with having the virus, then by all means they should refrain from coming into contact with others. But, if they have no symptoms and/or have overcome them, why that is a totally different situation, and many of the points 8:27AM has made come into play.

  12. 9:08. Sorry. Not true. We are killing millions of babies so they have no rights either. Why is your right not to die more important than theirs?

  13. 8:27 AM - You've used up your April question mark allotment.

    1. Haha! Yes and the 3 exclamation mark guy.

    2. I hadn't responded to this post until know 10:23, and it 4 exclamation marks !!!! Count much !!!!

  14. 8:09

    And can go topless in OC

  15. 827

    We all have the right to choose, yet don't have the right to infect others. That is wrong.

    Nap time!

    1. Are you infecting with Whooping cough" ; flu; TB - all these you can carry without any symptoms - so why mask and stay at home only for COVID-19. No one knows you have it - it's not like you are passing it on to be evil. It is a matter of dying of the virus or dying of no economy no food. Lady with the sign is correct - we are all taking precautions - then why not go back to living.

  16. Yep , go out and infect the world!!! Your right

  17. Choice is allowed for her till she wants to use her body to make some extra cash. They all agree that she has the right to murder babies and not wear a seatbelt or mask but nope can't sell sex.

  18. Not wearing a mask is like a smoker’s second hand smoke. You don’t get to potentially expose others, or yourself, by not wearing a mask. It is inconvenient for all of us.
    By the way, cigarettes should be banned. ANY smoking of tobacco is harmful. Alcohol is harmful only when it is abused. Big business and the governments have much blood on their hands in the name of greed.
    There is no debate, all smoking of tobacco is deadly.

  19. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  20. She doesn't, know how to wear a simple hat.

  21. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  22. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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