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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus Latest: More Than 100 COVID-19 Patients Could Be Housed At Salisbury University Dorm As Soon As Tuesday

SALISBURY, Md. (WJZ) — More than 100 coronavirus patients and health care workers could soon be temporarily moving into a residence hall at Salisbury University, University System of Maryland Chancellor Jay Perman said Monday.

Beginning as early as Tuesday, patients who are recovering from COVID-19 could begin moving into the residence hall.

Peninsula Regional Medical Center is seeing an influx of coronavirus cases, the university said. Medical staff from Peninsula will monitor the patients as they continue to recover.



  1. Better there where we can keep track of them than roaming all over the place.

  2. Because we’re taking patients from DE? Follow the $ because this doesn’t sound quite right.

  3. Finally SU being useful. Whats next UMES "steppin up"?

    (snicker snicker)

  4. Just think how sick the students will get when they return to use this Dorm.

    1. How long do you think the virus lasts on surfaces. Definitely not months.

    2. They're already sick in the head when they arrive.

  5. Hogan using this to just spread the virus to the Eastern Shore. I guess stay at home does not apply to hospitals.

  6. April 28, 2020 at 9:01 AM
    Naive much? And who will be ensuring they are not "wandering" in walmart, target, etc.

    Such a foolish statement. Its not prison and they can leave at any time and did you know a covid patient is contagious 2 weeks after symptoms are gone.

    This is a disaster in the making and jackass jake should be stopping it but he is too busy kissing su's a$$ and not giving a f about his citizens.

    tick tock, you just watch as the numbers here start to sky rocket and the health dept, prmc, su and the lying city government start to cover it up and the local news will be silent on the matter.

    good old smallsbury the garbage can of maryland.

  7. April 28, 2020 at 10:46 AM and you know this because? If you had a clue you would have read the article where it was present on one of the contaminated cruise ship more than a month after everyone de-boarded.

    Wake up

  8. These are the people from Nanticoke that have no homes to be released to. So Nanticoke empties it's beds, we fill them, remove problem people from DE and give Jake Day more homeless people. Win-win-win

  9. 11:30 so are you saying this is a bad idea? It seems good that we keep them in one spot and not spread all over the place. Do you want them in your community? What other alternative is there? They have to go some place?

  10. Hogan is responsible for the spread of this virus, since these are State agencies being infected. Wrongful death suits starting with Hogan along with a long list of others in State service.


  11. Will they be able to negotiate the drownabout and get onto Camden Ave?

    Or stuck there circling endlessly like Charlie on the MTA?


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