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Saturday, April 11, 2020

China’s Visa Workers Try to Keep U.S. Jobs in Coronavirus Crash

Chinese visa workers are trying to keep their white-collar jobs in the United States amid the coronavirus epidemic and the federal freeze on H-1B visa applications.

“When Tang [Chen] was made redundant on March 13, she didn’t just lose her source of income — she lost her [H-1B] visa status. Now her former employer has decided not to proceed with her green card application, her path to permanent residency has been lost, too,” according to a CNN report April 9.

She arrived in 2014, and she has been working as a software developer at a Pennsylvania travel firm — and she does not want to go home.

“She’s desperately applying to university to get a student visa that will allow her to remain in the U.S. legally,” CNN reported.

A review by Breitbart News of federal data suggests there are roughly 270,000 Chinese visa workers legally residing in the United States. That is a large number, but it is far lower than the estimated population of one million Indian visa workers.

Many American graduates tell Breitbart News that they are increasingly being shut out of entry-level jobs by complacent U.S. managers and by foreign ethnic nepotism in technology companies.



  1. AOC, Pelosi, and Shummer will help them out. If you are not an American or legal they just to help you out!

  2. Send all of them home, no sympathy here.

  3. If she is educated and contributing to our society she shouldn't be sent home. This isn't a welfare sponge. Besides, having people who actually speak fluent Chinese is in our interest. The Chinese helped build the United States, particularly the railroad system. They aren't responsible for the COVID pandemic.

  4. No brainer it started there, how did it get here an all over the country.

  5. Kick them the Hell Out & send them packing back to where they belong !!!!


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