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Saturday, April 11, 2020

AG Barr Gives Update On Durham Criminal Investigation

Attorney General William Barr took a shot at far-left MSNBC journalists during a Fox News interview that aired on Thursday night over ignorant remarks that the hosts had made about the war on drugs.

Barr made the remarks after Fox News’ Laura Ingraham played a montage of the MSNBC employees complaining about the Department of Justice’s recent actions against drug cartels.

“Well, it might come as a surprise to some of these people that the federal government, the Justice Department specifically, has 115,000 people who are dedicated to protecting the public safety, including preventing narcotics trafficking, and we’re actually able to do more than one thing at a time, and we’re handling different kinds of cases,” Barr said.

Barr commented on U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.

“My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness,” Barr said. “There is something far more troubling here, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”



  1. Better hide HillaryApril 11, 2020 at 2:29 PM

    Military courts should be responsible to hear evidence
    and issue justice

    TREASON is death by firing Squad

  2. Nothing will happen because they are Democrats and are untouchable!

  3. We all are about to find out which side Barr is on. DOES he do his job?? Or COVER UP??


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