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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Boris is BACK in Downing Street

Boris Johnson is returning to work in Downing Street today - and it seems he is not the only one amid mounting signs Britons are taking matters into their own hands.

The Prime Minister is making a statement to the country before chairing the daily 9.15am 'war cabinet' on the pandemic, where the first steps on easing restrictions could be thrashed out.

But Mr Johnson is facing a maelstrom over the draconian 'social distancing' curbs that have succeeded in stemming the spread of the killer disease, but are also bringing the economy to its knees.

There are signs that Britons are starting to vote with their feet, with traffic levels rising, and more shops and constructions sites stepping up activity.

Photographs taken during rush hour showed queues building up on London roads including the A40 at Perivale and the A102 at Greenwich, while the M5 in Bristol and the M6 in Walsall were also busy with cars, vans and lorries.

Meanwhile rail commuters continue to pile onto London Underground trains as travel bosses carry on running a reduced service only for key workers, with Canning Town and Canada Water stations both busy this morning.


1 comment:

  1. Boris is back in down Boris is back in down.


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