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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Blames Nursing Homes as Questions Mount over Coronavirus Directive

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that nursing homes that could not comply with a March 25 directive requiring them to accept coronavirus patients should have obeyed “regulations” and transferred patients if they could not care for them.

The directive, issued March 25, stated (original emphasis): “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”



  1. And they guilt us into staying home by saying we are protecting these same folks in the nursing homes while they actively try to kill them. This has NOTHING to do with public safety!

  2. Only ones to blame are the democrats in Congress and himself for being a democrat all who are true evil The Republicans were trying to hold meetings on this virus and not ONE democrat attended. democrats were all to busy having orgasms over the fake impeachment. And shame on any and all democrat voters If any of you were good people you would be ashamed over voting for a democrat Now the evil democrats want to elect an old senile pervert who rammed his hand under a woman's skirt and grabbed ahold of her vagina. They pretended to be offended and outraged when that liar blasey accused Justice Kavanaugh but are okay with this credible accusation against sick old pervert biden.

  3. Democrats killing the elderly. Wrongful death lawsuit.

  4. Should have temperature monitors at the door but they don’t.

  5. Well, don't use those worthless no-touch thermometers that you aim at your forehead. They are notoriously wrong. No wonder they let so many people off those cruise ships, because those thermometers didn't register the fevers they had.


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