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Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Viewer Writes: This is BS! They even had state police and the Sheriff's office involved. So much for staying HOME!


  1. They drove by the house. No one congregated. Grow up.

    1. 7:41 am must be a pitvil volintir farmin.

  2. Of you're upset that people did something nice for a child while keeping their distance you need to reevaluate your life.

  3. Sorry to all the other children that have a Birthday your not as special...

    1. You get a trophy...and you get a trophy...and you get one, and you and you too bud. Gotta be fair right?

    2. Not the same and you know it. Feel sorry for you. Truth hurts

    3. Pardon me, your jealousy is showing

  4. Don’t have a problem with this at all. Everyone was in their cars. Social distancing was maintained. Stop acting like the Stasi.

  5. Absolutely ludicrous. They saw another department do it on TV last week and HAD to be a copycat. I’m disappointed that they did this. While the intention is good, it is irresponsible and dangerous. Not to mention the fact that they are wasting resources on nepotism. Just because the child’s family is in the fire department. So now what? What are the departments going to do when they begin getting multiple requests for this to happen on a daily basis because everyone wants their child to feel “special”? Are they going to ride around every night giving fake “parades”? No. They aren’t. Which then turns their “doing what we do best...providing public service” into a source of consternation because other people can’t experience it due to their family not being part of the fires department. Maybe it was well intended. However, it is a very dangerous precedent to set.

  6. Wouldn't this go against the stay at home order from the county and state?

  7. Thank you for using Fire Department resources for your friends and family benefit. This can't be the only kid in Pittsville that has had a birthday since the social distancing policy began.

  8. Really, Is this the limit of your imagination? Why not make it a movable celebration when times are less healthful. Why expose healthy personnel to something so unworthy of their potentially health risk.

  9. WHAT A WASTE OF tax payer money! Is the kid sick? Are you doing the same for any other kid who has a birthday this month? NO! and NO! So you make 1 kid feel super special and send the message that no other kids birthday during this matters!! Wake up!

  10. Our tax dollars at work.

  11. They are driving down the street and you can watch from your yard.

    Stop people.

    Try and enjoy the little things. They have to work either way.

  12. Would that explain the large group of people congregating next to a fire truck behind the Pittsville fire dept last night? They must not know what social distancing means. 20+ people all huddled together.

  13. As the Leader in the Pack, and the one who reached out to my Fire and Police friends you can say what you want about this community gathering we had. We did a great thing for my niece to celebrate her birthday. All the firefighters and Police officers stayed in their vehicles during this parade. I am sorry you feel the need to bash a harmless event to help make a little girl feel loved on her birthday. We did not mean to upset, disrespect or make it seem like we are better then the next person. I'll take Full responsibility for this event and you I am not sorry I did it. I'll be happy to do it again if needed. Have a Great Day.
    Signed Elmo Peek III

    1. Amen! Thanks for your service. I've been there myself and half of my family are volunteer fireman. I see the good that fire departments do from the inside.

    2. Mr Peek since you want to take full responsibility for this event that means you are reimbursing Pittsville, Willards and Parsonsburg for the fuel they wasted as well as the sheriff dept and the state police! The fire department are volunteers the police are paid- are you paying the county and the state for the money that was wasted on their pay during this parade - are you planning on paying the county and the state for the resources that were used such as oil in the vehicles, brakes that were used? Don’t say you will take responsibility for anything that you are not really ready to do! Stop being selfish and only thinking about your family! As a firefighter your responsibility is to the COMMUNITY not just your spoiled family!

    3. Well the fire department and police department are one big extended family that gladly Volunteered their time and did a small COMMUNITY service , so what’s your point now . No one ever complains when we first responders do other good causes in our communities . Ohh that’s right it’s because it didn’t include you .

    4. Had you done this for Birthdays in April and did one each month for all Birthdays, you might be able to honestly say you did a service for a small community. But in fact you did it for ONE. Not a service to the community. You can try to justify it and make yourself feel good. Go on. I’m glad you feel you did such a wonderful thing..

    5. The fire department and police department are not one big extended family. One is law enforcement and the is putting out fires. Now I will say this "fire police THINK they are law enforcement" but they can think anything they want.

    6. Come see me at Parsonsburg Fd if you have anything else to say about what we did. I'll be happy to sit and talk about this since some of yall want to bash what we did

    7. Listen up Tickle Me Elmo....you are too close to the situation to be objective and unbiased. By your own admission, it was YOUR idea and it was for YOUR niece. While YOU may think it was a nice harmless gesture, you can’t objectively see it from any other point of view other than yours. What you did was selfish, unprofessional, unnecessary and risked lives and property. I am very sorry that your niece needed people to ride past her house to feel loved (your words). If that is the case, you have much larger issues to deal with than the fire department. Maybe you should spend more time with her so that she doesn’t feel validated and loved by a bunch of fire trucks riding by her house. As you also stated, she is 9 years old. Maybe you should focus on teaching her to follow the law, the ability to rise above disappointment and the importance of being socially aware during a pandemic rather than having to be the center of attention. That’s the problem with society today, everyone has to feel special and have all of the attention on them.

    8. Several members of the Peek family paid for this 10x over. How many times have I watched them dash out from the safety of their homes to put out a fire, save a life or assist with some other crisis? I dont know, I've lost count.
      How many hours have they volunteered training to save *YOUR* ungrateful life? Well since they don't recieve a paycheck, counting those hours might be difficult; I 100% guarantee it's more hours your sad cowardly soul has offered to our community.
      Shame. Shame on all of your hate filled hearts.

    9. No they didn’t. They didn’t pay for anything. They CHOSE to VOLUNTEER. Volunteer means do something without being paid. Do you comprehend that? Seriously. If they want to be compensated for what they are doing....they aren’t “volunteers”. It’s a pretty simple concept. Just because you volunteer doesn’t mean you get special treatment. And...I guarantee I’ve provided more service to the community than either one of them. I have volunteered for years but never sought attention or special treatment.

    10. I dont know you Elmo peek but thank you and your family for your service. One half of my family has served as volunteers for longer than I've been alive. I was also a volunteer fireman for a couple of years. I am 28. I have seen and participated in things that the majority would never even think of participating in. I mean going out of your way completely just to help someone else. Yes there are the inside politics that suck. That's how some ppl get there rocks off. Even tho I am no longer a volunteer I continue to help people any way I can becouse that is just who I am. I learned from some of these people how to be a decent human being. I consider myself very fortunate to of been able to experience these things good and bad. Adversity helps in life in so many ways. Bottom line it takes a special breed.

  14. My people....lighten up, some of you really need to find another way to fill your time! Try spending quality time with your immediate family in your house or dial a friend up on the phone and chat!!

  15. Good grief. Go get worked up over something more important. You don't have to be offended by everything that comes along.

  16. This is poorly planned.

    In a pandemic we all need to adhere to the guidleines. We only lower our risk if the people living around us do the same.

    To many people are taking the "It wont happen to me" or "I wont die from this" But you dont know and you are exposing yourself any everyone else you come in contact with.

    Do I think I might die from this ? No i dont. i am 45 and in better shape than college kids I coach. But I am not going to tempt fate.

    People need to stop making exceptions. Our experts are saying the worst is yet to come. Yeah, I get that we are several weeks behind the national curve. But dont think that just becasue we dont see it now that this is not coming for us. It is.

    Reminder. It took 3 years for the Spainish flu to finally burn out. This no different yet, people are behaving as if this is no big deal.

  17. If you do it for one do for ALL.

    1. I agree
      Do for all not just one.

  18. I'm sorry, have you NOT seen that you're ALLOWED to be out still with proper social distancing?! Do you not understand that the first responders that participated are already out in the public? So the fact that they made a procession to make a little girl happy has someone's panties all in a bunch and they do this. Meanwhile, you have parents and a community TRYING to provide some kind of normalcy to what was most likely a very upset little girl. Good grief.

  19. It sure would 8:22
    Has every member of the pittsville fire department been tested, if not, one or several might be carriers capable of infesting all participants in tonight's parade, then going home to spread the contaminate. Typical actions of the foundation savers

  20. You all took a kind gesture and tried to make something ugly of it. If you want a special gesture done for your child just call and ask. Grow up.

  21. Hey BOZO’s supporting this, it’s not like Birthday Boy has Lukemia or childhood cancer. This could have waited. Nice example to set to the public you Pittsville Fire Clowns!

  22. Hey dummy. The trade off for making crap money, crap hours, and potentially risking your life in public safety is that yes, your kids might get a little treat like this. It’s the kids and spouses that suffer through the sacrifices the public safety professionals make for you ungrateful “life-always-needs-to-be-fair” people. Get over it. And every piece of emergency equipment was AVAILABLE for emergencies throughout. So nothing was “tied up”. Get over yourself.

    1. Sounds like you are very unhappy. I hope life gets better for you. I’m sorry you have such a crappy job.

    2. Um...you CHOSE to “risk your life” (bunch of crap). That doesn’t make you special. In fact, by acting like you’re “special”, it takes away from the volunteerism. It shows that you are looking for benefits instead of doing it out of a sense of duty or kindness of your heart. Just because you volunteer doesn’t make you or your family more entitled to use of equipment or resources than anyone else. Your sense of entitlement (you wrote the reply) speaks volumes about you as a person and member of the fire department. Additionally, calling people “dummy” reflects poorly on your department. We will remember that when you are asking for donations and/or support from us “dummies”. The President of the department should certainly apologize for your attitude towards the public. When you choose to represent the department, you open yourself up to criticism and are held to a higher standard. It’s a shame that you can’t comprehend that.

  23. Clear violation of the Governor’s direct orders, and by law enforcement no less! This “event” is in no possible way a necessary reason for being out of your house. Many, not all, police, fire and ambulance workers think they are better than everyone else anyway. This kind of behavior, and the defiant attitude of the organizer, is a prime example of this mindset. If civilians had done anything like this, the cops would lose their minds! Everyone would get fined! This type of hypocrisy is one of the reasons many have lost respect for authorities.
    Pittsville is in a bad financial situation to start with. Remember the town councilman’s daughter that stole a huge amount of money from the town? Every dollar saved is absolutely necessary. This proud event organizer and the other participants should reimburse the town of Pittsville for the cost of this and apologize for their poor judgement.

  24. This is total BS!! If daddy hadn't been a fireman, maybe just as janitor or trash collector, would his child have gotten the same recognition for his/her birthday? I think not! What a waste of taxpayers money. It all depends on who you are. This is totally irresponsible and unfair to other kids.

  25. 3:13 The point is Hogan has told people to STAY HOME! That includes EVERYONE! This was not essential business or pleasure. Here you can read what he states.

    Here are the Facts: Effective as of 8:00 p.m. on March 30, 2020, all Maryland residents are ordered to stay in their homes or places of residences unless they are performing essential activities. A few essential activities as defined by this order are:

    driving to and from work if you are an essential employee,
    obtaining necessary supplies or services for one’s self or family,
    engaging in activities essential for the health and safety of one’s self,
    engaging in outdoor activities such as biking, walking, etc.,
    and many more that can be seen at the following link.
    Addressed on https://governor.maryland.gov/...
    Current as of 3/30/2020

  26. When will there be a parade for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


  27. I don't see the cops PATROLLING the HOOD .

    1. 508
      that's real work...

      they rather harass Citizens who go about their day

      than deal with City Thug Crime

      most Coppers ,
      Like Little Lewis , would be injured going into the HOOD

  28. I see the executive is increasing spending to local fire departments.

    All but P.V.D. hopefully!

  29. Pine Meadows I think that is section 8.

  30. What's next Elmo Peek that drag queen reading at the library for your precious niece??

  31. All the people hanging out in a group behind the fire dept were not in their vehicles. No face masks. I am sure not all of them are fire fighters or EMS personnel. They were not on an active call, therefore violating the stay home and No more than group of ten people. No different than someone having aa party. Just think, if one of them tests positive for Co-vid, they will all have to quarantine for 14 days. So there is the Co-vid risk, violation of state order and risk of little to no members being able to handle emergency calls because they're quarantined ! Please think things through before you risks others lives.

  32. To peek,elmo well said and way to stand up for your niece police dept and fellow fire depts, It was a very nice thought to celebrate her birthday. I can not get over all the hater's on this blog bashing you all for doing something for a little girl's birthday, But something like this is what brings out all the hater's who have no life but to sit behind a computer screen all day and be a computer bully..... they say God don't like ugly, All you hater's have no life, or are just mean people who hate life, Grow the heck up and move on.....

    1. Would they do it for your family?

    2. I'd imagine they would if asked! Everyone is attacking with that, but did anyone else ask if they could do it for their child? They seem like the type of community that would...

  33. To Anonymous 9:35pm
    Dude seriously what is your problem????
    get a life and stop worrying about a birthday parade, And why be so hateful on this gentleman and his name? Apparently you know him to bring out so much ugly, You are a very ugly person to sit behind a screen and talk smack and make fun of someone's name, For someone to say the things you have said man up and leave a name, stop hiding behind your computer screen and stay Anonymous, Because it will only be a matter of time before ppl know who are you GROW UP AND MOVE ON.......

  34. Elmo Peek let me put it as simple as possible for YOU. You went against the stay at HOME order given by Governor Hogan. I guess you think rules don't apply to you. Maybe if you followed the rules you wouldn't change jobs so often!

    I plan on forwarding this picture to the Governor with YOUR name attached explaining the entire situation.

    1. Change jobs? He has had the same job in the same 3 locations for quite some time now and is bettering his career as we speak! You can feel free to send whatever you want. What exactly do you think the outcome will be? You use to be a rattle tail In school weren’t you 😂

    2. Forward away (Maryland) state police is doing this service across the state, grow up everything about this is positive a child was given s as Birthday with no violation of social distancing and the members of each organization is an essential employee who reports to work daily, so if you have a continued problem do something valuable and join one of these front line organizations

  35. So, ok. Earlier I was mad. Now I’m just sad. Sad that it turned into (in my opinion) people attacking my daughter. She’s 9 for crying out loud and is completely innocent in whatever happens due to adult choices. So why place attack on a child! Why make the assumption we live in low income housing? Why make the assumption she isn’t loved, cared for and further more she isn’t knowledgeable on what is going on in our world. Now let’s talk about if she’s a sick child or not. Does she have cancer? No does she have other debilitating issues? YES! Some of which is none of anyone’s business. Her father and I work endlessly to give them a life we know they deserve but don’t get it twisted my child ALSO knows how to be respectful and if she’s not she knows the consequences. We pay our dues and debts to society and for anyone who sit here and make assumptions on how we live says absolutely 0 of hour character. Now my brother in law spoke up and said it was HIM who planned this wonderful gesture for his niece, so he’s being attacked b/c others CHOSE to partake? Being in healthcare and literally our entire family being apart of the healthcare system know how to adequately care for ourselves as well as making a safe environment for those in our surroundings. No one kissed her BUT ME! no one sneezed, coughed or licked her in her face and for heaven sakes people SHE WAS STANDING IN HER OWN YARD! Now next we have people attacking pittsville fire Department. Why!? They were NOT the only ones who came out to do this. Oh it’s Bc it HAPPENED in pittsville so that’s the reason for the attack on the department! Got it! So let’s say today, the same people sitting here demolishing the wonderful people in our community and surrounding area plus the police department get a call to your house (Praying to God it doesn’t happen) be it for someone you love being severely ill, passing, or even if your house catches fire, what do they do? Tell you no Bc it will most CERTAINLY at that point violate Hogan’s stay at home order and definitely violate social distancing when there will need to be either hands on contact or more then 10 fireman/firewomen to put your house out. Come on people get it together!
    You seriously are viciously attacking others Bc you are just simply bored. smh. I’ll make sure I pray for all of the anonymous people tonight!

    1. Excuse me 4:03 AM, but a birthday is not an emergency that you're comparing to a house fire.

    2. No one is assuming she isn’t loved. He SAID it in his rant. He said he did it so she would feel loved. HE said that. No one is ASSUMING anything. It’s called reading AND comprehension. It’s easy to read but you also need to comprehend what he said.

    3. And you need to also comprehend that there were assumptions being made. Not just about her being loved. Fact of the matter is shes 9 and to attack someone and belittle people Bc of a CHILD makes every last one of you disgusting human beings.

    4. Using a child as an excuse...to ride around on the big red ding ding...makes you disgusting and wastes my tax money. Yes..it is tax money that funds these departments. The county provides funding from taxes. It’s not YOUR equipment to ride around in and provide entertainment to your family!!! It’s amazing that you can’t comprehend that.

  36. She it’s amazing how you think It ain’t my tax money too!? You’ll be thankful for that “big red ding ding” when you need it! Comprehend THAT!

    1. Nope. I’ve said it before and I’ll say not again, if my house catches on fire, let it burn to the ground. I’ll rebuild using the insurance money. I pay huge premiums and would gladly take the payout to replace it. The last thing I want is for the fire department to come in and do their typical half azz job and give the insurance company something to squabble back and forth about while trying to reduce my payout. Everything will have smoke and water damage anyway. Nope. Stay home. Let it burn to the ground. I’m not materialistic. I’m not sentimentally attached to anything in my house. Who cares about photos, TV’s and STUFF. Let it burn.

    2. 6:56: so, by your reasoning, because you pay taxes, you are entitled to use the fire engine for personal parades? That means, anyone and everyone has the right to go to the fire department and take the engine and use it for personal parades. You are an idiot who is showing just how clueless and narcissistic you are.

  37. It's always sad when so many people start attacking others because of actions as simple as 1st responders trying to make a little girls birthday extra special. IMHO, these kids have been subjected to staying in and their routine has been totally disrupted. It would be a totally different story IF you people had to actually use your real names instead of anonymous. NONE of you would "MAN UP."

    1. You can’t have it both ways Joe. You complain about people violating the “stay at home” recommendation as well as Salisbury Fire Department joy riding around in the fire engines to get food and other nonsense. This was not appropriate. It was nepotism at its finest as it was for a members family member. It violated the order and wasted fuel...plain and simple. If they aren’t prepared to do it for everyone, they shouldn’t do it for anyone.

    2. But has anyone else asked!? This isn’t and wasn’t JUST Bc she’s a family member of someone in the fire department

  38. Thank u Joe it is sad


  39. Why are people so full of negativity and hate? I truly do not understand...this was simply a kind gesture of support for a child and her first responder family. Why is is wrong to do something positive? Any one of those men and women would risk their lives for any of one of you without hesitation. Why drag down the Heros of the community? Shame on you all.

    1. Maybe it’s because of their attitude regarding the issue. Instead of seeing other people’s point of view and understanding that other people have valid concerns, they come in here and call people “dummies” and “haters” and state they will do whatever they want. They could have said “we understand your concerns and maybe it wasn’t the best decision. However, we can’t change what is done. Moving forward, we will give more consideration to the optics of our actions and strive to adhere to the Governor’s directive”. It would have been dropped. Instead, they come in here and vigorously defend their actions while getting pissed off because people have legitimate concerns. Personally, I don’t think people are upset by what was done. They are more upset that, as soon as it is pointed out that they could have used better judgement, the members involved display entitlement and a “holier than thou” attitude while constantly reminding everyone that they “volunteer” to be a “hero” while making comments about how much you need them if your house catches on fire. A little understanding, on their part, would go a long way. The truth is, they violated the Governor’s directive. As an organization, that is supposed to set the example, they failed. Be understanding of how it looks to the general public who supports them.

    2. i don’t see anything that portrays them to be holier then thou. I see them defending themselves against keyboard warrior bullies. From the gate you all have been nothing but bullies.

  40. The state police could not have been there; they have been too busy shutting down all the local car washes per Gov Hitler....I mean Hogan. He is going to bankrupt MD.

  41. You all sound like a bunch of damn children. Who cares. Happy bday little girl.

  42. glad you had a special birthday little one. Happy Birthday!


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